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Mike Spence

Los Angeles County Attempts “Bribery” of Schools to Pass Sewer Tax

Los Angeles County property owners are beginning to rise up against a proposed “Clean Water, Clean Beaches” tax that every property owner would pay annually. The Los Angeles County Flood Control District proposes the money go to all kinds of projects AND gives a portion to cash strapped cities on an ongoing basis unless terminated by the Board of Supervisors. There is a hearing todayto decide if a ballot should be mailed to property owners.

Opposition to the tax has come from an unlikely source.

School Districts.

And not just school districts like West Covina Unified School District where I am an elected member. WCUSD approved letters of opposition on December 11, but Long Beach and Los Angeles Unified School district and others have joined the protest. The Los Angeles County Board of Education voted to oppose. County Agency vs. County Agency.

The proposed tax would cost schools money. While the idea of tax money going to schools to pay taxes to the county is a completely different discussion, school districts control a lot of property and as such wield a lot of voting power.

The County did find a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Brulte Kicks Off CRP Bid At San Diego GOP Meeting

Last night I was pleased to be on hand as, in front of an enthusiastic crowd of over 300 GOP leaders and activists at the monthly meeting of the San Diego County Republican Party Central Committee, former State Senator Jim Brulte officially kicked off his campaign for Chairman of the California Republican Party. Popular San Diego County Party Chairman Tony Krvaric presided over the crowded house.

Senator Brulte started off his remarks by comparing the California Republican Party to the San Diego Chargers, saying that the Chargers had a terrible season but would come back, and so would the California GOP. Brulte told the crowd that he got his start in politics as an elected member of his central committee in San Bernardino County. Brulte talked about how it was not only bad for the GOP, but for the State of California to have one political party be so dominant. He asked the committee what kind of craziness it was that in the context of Sacramento’s Capitol Jerry Brown was being considered the moderate.

Senator Brulte laid out his plans which include the need for the CRP to establish its own statewide fundraising network, so that the party would not… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Debt Ceiling Conditions

The president says that we should just extend the debt limit, or cede the authority to him to expand it as he wishes. I’m sure he probably doesn’t think we even need such a discipline at all. He says he will not negotiate on this issue. He says that Congress has already approved all the spending that led to these deficits.

Like on most things, the president is completely wrong.

If credit cards had no limit on them, a whole lot of people would spend without end. The debt limit is like that. It is a discipline that reminds us – “Oh yeah…we’ve just borrowed $16.4 TRILLION. That’s kind of a lot. Maybe we shouldn’t spend so much.” We’ve borrowed 35% ($5.805 trillion) of that since Obama took office. Maybe we ought to think about it before we try to borrow $7 trillion more, which is an approximation of how much more this president wants to borrow in his second term. And, as I understand him, the president won’t negotiate on this. In fact, he has yet to negotiate on anything. No change here. And, as far as Congress already approving the spending….that’s not correct either, Mr. President. Sixty percent of all… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Brown’s Rhetoric of “Fiscal Restraint” Rings Hallow

[View the story “Brown’s Rhetoric of \”Fiscal Restraint\” Rings Hallow” on Storify]… Read More

Katy Grimes

Prevailing wage scams steal from taxpayers

In what strange world do janitors get paid $45 per hour? In California, the land of the prevailing wage.

The dirty secret is that janitors often are not really getting paid $45 per hour, but the taxpayers are being charged this amount on public works projects.

Designed to help the worker, the prevailing wage was created to set a minimum hourly rate paid on all public works projects, primarily for construction workers. But the classification has been expanded and greatly abused.

One contractor’s saga

I recently met with a Southern California contractor who has owned a final construction cleanup business for more than 25 years. Final cleanup on government construction projects is always the last task in the project, and usually takes place within days of the occupants moving in, depending on the size and scope of the cleanup. The contractor said that the work he and his crews do includes cleaning the construction dust off of walls, washing and polishing floors, cleaning windows and mirrors, power-washing all surfaces, wiping down fixtures and hosing down the roof and parking lots.

He is hired as a subcontractor by large… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

ObamaCare and California: Significant health care rate hikes to come

When President Obama took office, the reform of our nation’s healthcare laws took center stage. While no one can argue that our healthcare system wasn’t in need of serious reform, the intensely partisan and murky way in which Obamacare was drafted and forced on the American people made it wrong for the country from the beginning. While I do support some of the reforms in Obamacare, such as protecting people with pre-existing conditions and young adults, I did not believe this law would lower costs, increase patient choice or make healthcare better and more affordable for all Americans.

Born from partisan back door deals and closed room meetings, Obamacare is a boondoggle of historic proportions. Candidate Obama pledged unprecedented transparency to the American people when running for President back in 2008. Yet the day he took office, President Obama got to work on one of the most opaque and closed door, big-government takeovers we have seen. Weighing in at over 2,700 pages, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), although deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court, is still a dangerous collaboration of bad legislating, smoke and mirrors mathematical calculations… Read More

Richard Rider

California poverty rate now highest in the nation — by FAR

RIDER COMMENT: The story below has prompted me to add an unpleasant fact to my “California vs. the Other 49 States” fact sheet. As is my policy, I had to drop another telling fact, trying to keep the piece to two printed pages.

The new fact is based on a more sophisticated measure of poverty, now used by the U.S. Census Bureau. It’s called the “Supplemental Poverty Measure,” and better reflects the cost of living in a state or region. The old poverty figure used the same dollarthresholdregardless of where one resided. This one adjusts for costs — first and foremost housing costs.

The result doesn’t work well for California. We’ve vaulted to the top spot — the WORST poverty rate in the nation.

And not by a small margin. We are at 23.5%, compared with the national average of 16.1%. The second worst state is Florida is at 19.5%.

Stated differently, California’s real poverty rate is 55.7% higher than the average for the other 49 states (not including CA). And CA is 20.5% worse than its nearest challenger Florida.

The dropped fact? — The one about CA community… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New Weekly Tradition: The “Idiot Of The Week” Award. This Week’s Winner Is…

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In honor of the new year, I thought I would start a new tradition here at the FlashReport. I thought that we might pick the California politician who makes the biggest idiot out of themselves, and actually award them the “Idiot Of The Week” Award — a high honor, indeed. Of course this being California, we will not have a problem picking such an individual. In fact, we will have the opposite problem, there may actually be too many people from whom to choose. It might be that this award ultimately is a Friday thing, at the end of the week. But since I anticipate our Friday edition this week to be packed with some sane, rational critiques of Governor Brown’s proposed… Read More

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