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Ray Haynes

A Bill Idea for my Legislative Friends

This is a MUST in the Republican bill package for the upcoming session.

Democrats in the Legislature claim to be for the working man, to help people in their time of need. The problem is this — in the current economic times, lots of people have experienced serious problems paying for their homes, and in many (if not most) cases, the debt that is secured by their homes is much larger than the value of the homes. To solve this problem, people have begun negotiations with their banks to rewrite the loans, that is, to reduce the amount of the debt on their homes, or in some cases, they have sold their homes to third parties through a process known as a short sale, that is, selling their house for less than the debt, and having the bank agree.

The problem with this process is that, when the debt is renegotiated, there is debt “forgiveness.” That is, if the loan is for $400,000.00, and the house is sold, or the debt is reduced, to $350,000.00 (usually because that is what the house is worth), the borrower (the homeowner) experiences a $50,000.00 debt forgiveness. In the eyes of the California state government today that $50,000.00 of debt… Read More

Katy Grimes

What I didn’t hear from Republicans this week

While Gov. Jerry Brown announced a balanced budget and the magical economic recovery of California this week, too many Republicans fell all over themselves to praise him for it. It was difficult to see much of a difference between the two parties, yet there is a ideological chasm as wide as the state.

Brown’s State of the State address Thursday was predictable. He’s nothing if not consistent in his ability to give a speech. However, a fantastic opportunity was blown by Republicans to get out their message… any message…

What is evident is Republican lawmakers don’t seem to be on the same page.

There were a few tidbits worth noting, but most of the Republicans, whether newly elected or seasoned, espoused mediocrity. And we all know how that has been working for them.

There’s polite, and there is rolling over. Instead of agreeing with Brown’s “inner Republican,” more should have pointed out that what Brown says and does are often very different. And perhaps noting that Brown’s speech was peppered with Democratic talking points wouldn’t have hurt either.

Instead, statements praising the governor’s address were the apparent… Read More

Richard Rider

Phil Mickelson took one for the team

Here’s a paid column I wrote for City Journal on the Phil Mickelson brouhaha. Included is a short discussion of the harmful effects of Prop30 on our California pro sports teams. Already one team — the Sacramento Kings NBA team — is being relocated to a tax-free state.

RICHARD RIDER Taking One for the Team Phil Mickelson points the way for rich folks: get out of California, quietly. 25 January 2013

Golfer Phil Mickelson made a public relationsmistake, and thank goodness he did. While golf… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The FlashReport Idiot Of The Week Award Goes To….

It’s the end of another week observing California politics, and once again the state has proven a target-rich environment when looking for public officials acting like idiots. As has become our custom, we will first highlight the runners-up for the week, any one of which could have claimed the top honors but for the fact that someone was more of an idiot than them. So in no particular order…

Runner Up #1 – State Senator Leland Yee — A few years ago State Senator Leland Yee and his liberal friends pushed legislation banning the sale of violent video games to minors. Here at the FR we blasted the bill at the time as an assault on first… Read More

Congressman Tom McClintock

Deconstructing Dan Morain

On January 6, the Sacramento Bee published a1000-word polemicby Dan Morain attacking my opposition to the “fiscal cliff deal.” To its credit, the Beepublished my responseto the public policy issues involved, but the innuendoes, inaccuracies and omissions in Mr. Morain’s column are so stark as to require a longer reply for the record. I have italicized Morain’s charges and followed them with my responses.

“Never one to build bridges, Rep. Tom McClintock has spent the better part of 30 years in office deriding the government that gives him his paycheck.” I revere our government. I have spent my entire adult life championing the genius of the American Republic and its unique principles of individual liberty, Constitutionally limited government and personal responsibility. I challenge Mr. Morain to cite one word that I have ever spoken or written in all my years that derides… Read More

Ron Nehring

Brown vs. San Diego: Governor’s Record Shows “Local Control” is Just Empty Rhetoric

Gov. Jerry Brown enjoys talking about local control. During his 2010 campaign, he mentioned it constantly. I’m sure it scores great in the focus groups.

However, seriously increasing local control in government decision-making has not been a part of his governing strategy, and there is even less indication that his Democrat colleagues in the legislature have any interest in this at all.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Faced with the imminent passage of a local ordinance to ban union-only Project Labor Agreements in San Diego, Democrats passed and Governor Brown signed SB 829, withholding state funds from cities that pass such measures. The new law was rushed through and promptly used in union-funded advertising against the proposition. San Diegans passed the measure, called Proposition A, anyway.

How about pension reform? Shouldn’t localities have the power to fix their pension problems without state interference? Again, no local control for you. Brown’s Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) initiated a lawsuit against the City of San… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Too Early to Celebrate California’s Recovery

Governor Jerry Brown struck a conservative tone in his State of the State Address today when he spoke of fiscal discipline, local control and regulatory reform.

But the challenge before California remains the same: growing private sector jobs. If we want to solve our long-term budget problems, we need more taxpayers, not less.

Despite some job gains, California’s unemployment rate remains among the highest in the nation—many California counties still have double-digit unemployment rates ranging as high as 25%.

Many entrepreneurs, small business owners and even athletes are considering leaving our state due to rising taxes.

And while certain government-favored industries are growing, most job creators are struggling to survive under a growing weight of new regulations, taxes and fees.

Clearly, it’s far too early to celebrate California’s recovery. Millions have yet to experience it.… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

President Obama’s Second Inaugural Address

This native Californian was all bundled up to keep warm on a chilly Washington morning on Monday to witness the 57th United States Presidential Inaugural and hear President Obama’s second inaugural address.

To be honest, I was inspired by the address….. ….but, not in the way the president might have wanted.

I’m a big football fan. There’s nothing to bring you to your feet quite like the big touchdown pass. And, that is usually what brings accolades in the annals of football lore. But, just as important, and many times more important, is that tenacious defense. When you don’t have the ball, you count on those 11 defensemen to keep you in the game. Oh sure, they can sometimes get a “pick-6” and score a touchdown. But usually, they just hold the line and keep bad things from happening. The undefeated 1972 Miami Dolphins were led by what was dubbed the “no name defense”. They held the line and they were a big part of the only undefeated season in NFL history. As Republicans, we don’t have the ball right now. We may control the House, but we are the minority party in Washington since everything… Read More

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