New Poll Shows Majority of California Voters Oppose Lowering Parcel Tax Voting Threshold
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association released a new poll today that shows the majority of California voters oppose lowering the voting requirement for local per parcel property taxes from two-thirds to 55%. More than 53% of voters oppose the change, and only 35% support the change. Approximately 11% were undecided.
Moreover, a majority of those against don’t just oppose the change – they oppose it strongly. The intensity of opposition to lowering the voting threshold was nearly double what it was for those in support. 40% of voters “definitely” oppose the idea of lowering the vote requirement, while just 21% say they would definitely support the change.
Furthermore, opposition to changing the voting threshold was broad-based: 68% of Republicans oppose it, along with nearly 53% of Decline-to-State (DTS) voters, while a plurality (44%) of Democrats also oppose it. In addition, more Democrat women – 50% – also oppose the change.
This poll mirrors what we’ve been hearing from our members who are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. They oppose any further money grab from politicians – whether from Sacramento or the local level… Read More