Standing Against Socialism, Part II, All Government Programs, All the Time
After my article yesterday, which laid out what I believe are the basic principles that would lead to a Republican revival in California, I thought I should flesh out how those principles translate into every day political and policy making decisions. Of course, policy making is the stuff of legislation. Politics is explaining the policy making process to voters in a way that persuades the voters, over time, to entrust Republicans with power. The two have to work together. If those in policy making positions are constantly playing politics, that is, constantly trying to appeal to voters to entrust them with power, the voters will grow cynical, thinking they are being used. If a policy maker, however, only focuses on policy making, no one ever knows enough about what he or she is doing to be able to make an informed decision about whether to entrust that policy maker with power. Politics without principled policy making is a bankrupt power grab. Policy making without politics is an exercise in futility.
So, that being said, how can Republicans change the course of California? I want to do a series of articles breaking down how I believe the principled advocacy of… Read More