‘Guns as a public disease’
SACRAMENTO — California politicians have added more anti-gun laws, but have yet to offer any real violent crime solutions.
Anti-gun lawmakers in the Senate and Assembly have been busy with legislation aimed at guns and ‘gun violence,’ whatever that is.
Is ‘gun violence’ similar to ‘SUV violence, knife violence or drug violence?’ After all, SUV’s, knives and drugs are responsible for killing many people each year, according to lawmakers’ definitions.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks 16 ounce sodas kill.
Another ridiculous bill, SJR 1
The Senate passed a resolution Thursday by Senator Lois Wolk, D-Davis, urging Congress and President Barack Obama to enact a comprehensive gun violence prevention policy, including prohibiting the sale of military-style assault weapons, “high-capacity magazines,” and encouraged strengthening criminal background checks.
But mostly, the resolution is another silly California finger-wagging measure aimed at shaming the rest of the country into following the Golden State’s tarnished lead.
It is apparent Wolk and colleagues are feeling emboldened by President Barack Obama’s… Read More