Standing for Liberty, Part X, Finale: Actually Fighting for Liberty
I wanted to finish off this series before beginning any other new discussions, and so, my response to Mr. Hrabe will wait a day.
This series has been about rebranding, as much about the language of liberty which is sorely missing from most discussions on public policy, whether those discussions come from Republicans or Democrats. The people of this country ache for someone to stand up for liberty, so much so that they run to anyone who misuses that language to justify their policy positions. If Republicans actually take up the challenge of promoting liberty, and start honestly using the language of liberty, they will win. It is that simple.
But that actually requires Republicans to engage in the fight for liberty. And to engage in that fight requires work. If Republicans have any major failing, it is that they refuse to work to promote liberty. And by work, I don’t mean sending out a few press releases and talking to the service clubs in their districts, or even fighting with other Republicans at a convention. I mean taking the fight to the streets. House by house, neighborhood by neighborhood, community by community, town by town, city by city,… Read More