If You Think You’re Money Is Safe In The Bank, Think Again!
Do you keep all of your money in cash? In your mattress, or perhaps in the secret compartment in your bedroom floor, revealed only when you pull back the carpeting from the wall? Of course not, undoubtedly you, like everyone else, keep yourr money in a bank (or similar financial institution). Why do you do this? No doubt for two key reasons — convenience and security. You want to be able to write checks, use a debit card, and all of things, right? And of course nothing symbolizes “secure” in our minds more than a bank vault — your money is safe, right? Heck, if anything happens with your money, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has you covered!
Now put yourself at the helm of a business. Small, medium or large, it doesn’t matter — profit or nonprofit. The same principles apply. You would no more keep your companies assets, in cash, in the office, than you would keep your own money at your house. How would you feel if one day somebody in an obscure foreign country hacked into your bank, and took your company’s money? How would you feel if your friendly neighborhood bank told you that it wasn’t… Read More