Posted by Tab Berg at 2:57 pm on Apr 23, 2013 Comments Off on Arenas, Principles, Voters and Outcomes.
Last week I commissioned a poll to measure voter attitudes
regarding the proposed Arena in downtown Sacramento- the third time
since 2006 that we have polled on this issue.
The Mayor has called this Arena deal the most important
issue in the history of the city; the Sacramento Bee has
devoted more column inches to it than any other issue this year; it
has received more local TV news coverage than the Benghazi
attacks, Gosnell murder trial, Medicare cuts, State Parks budget
scandal, and the looming city, county and schools pension crises –
It’s that important – yet, no one thought to ask
voters how they feel?
Polling is a tool commonly used by campaigns, government, media,
business and public policy groups to measure public opinion. But
oddly, there has been little, if any, polling done on this issue –
at least none that has been publicly released.
Funny thing is – some folks seem positively offended that we
asked voters about how they feel.
The survey was unbiased, simple and straight forward… Read More