I Call Voter Fraud…And I Have Proof!!!!
This claim of voter fraud is NOT one that the mainstream media can dismiss with a “Ray Haynes pushes discredited claims of voter fraud…” or “Ray Haynes perpetuates false and insane claims that there was cheating in this election…” or “Crazy Ray Haynes spreads Nutty Voter Fraud theories…” like they do with everyone who has some credible proof of illegal voting actions. NOPE, not this one, my proof comes directly out of the mouths of Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom and the mainstream media itself.
I began to suspect that fraud on Monday when President Biden showed up in California and said “You have to vote no on the recall or you will end up with Donald Trump as your Governor…” Try as I may, I don’t remember seeing Donald Trump on my ballot. That’s too bad, because I wouldn’t mind him as the Governor, but he just wasn’t there. Then, yesterday, at his victory speech, our Arrogant Lazy Authoritarian in Charge (ALAIC) Gavin Newsom announced “We defeated Trump, but Trumpism is not dead…” I looked at the returns and sure enough, Trump was defeated, he didn’t… Read More