Well done, good and faithful servant, Jane Barnett
“Well done, good and faithful servant…enter into the joy of your master”.
I’ve no doubt that those were among the first words Jane Barnett heard after she passed from this life to the next. In the parable of the talents, Jesus indicates this as the ultimate praise and reward for a job well done. Jane is a shining example of good and faithful service in every aspect of her life.
Jane’s biography and long list of positions held and campaigns worked on is well known, so I will not focus on those. I want to talk about the essence of Jane – the goodness of her heart, the depth of her love for things and people she held dear, and her commitment to the values that made America.
If you knew of Jane’s commitment to four basics in her life – faith, family, friends and country – you could reasonably predict how she would react in any situation. Her Catholic faith was her cornerstone, and Jane walked the walk as well as talked the talk. Her faith shined brightly from Jane every day in every situation. Her family was the center of her life, and even in the most harried political situation you could always get a smile out of Jane… Read More