Is the Bob Filner settlement a good deal for San Diego?
by Barry Jantz
Is Friday’s City of San Diego agreement with Bob Filner a good deal for taxpayers?
Maybe we can start by agreeing on something. It really chaps the common hide to think the city would enter into any settlement whatsoever with the soon-to-be former but already disgraced mayor. If it were up to a lot of people, the guy would be left penniless or behind bars.
Yet, for anyone to believe there would be no cost to the city from Filnergate … well, that’s simply not realistic. Theday Gloria Allred and Irene McCormack Jackson held their press conferenceit was fairly clear the city would be on the hook for something, maybe a significant amount. A government agency is partly liable for its employees, including its elected officials, even when they are loose cannons and have loose fingers.
With that said,the deal brokered by retired Judge Lawrence Irving— with significant crafting, negotiating and ushering by City Attorney Jan… Read More