Where They Stand: CA GOP House Candidates –> Syria
We’ve decided to kick off a new feature here on the FlashReport to help our readers get to know the non-incumbent Republican candidates running for Congress around California. Entitled, “Where They Stand,” this periodic feature will allow us to throw a question out credible GOP candidates running in either an open “safe R” seat or seeking to challenge an incumbent Democrat in a competitive district. The question will typically be something up for a vote in Congress, so that these folks can weigh in on the public debate.
We sent the first question to Igor Birman, Elizabeth Emken and Doug Ose in CD 7, Tony Strickland in CD 26, Assemblyman Brian Nestande in CD 36, Pat Maciariello, Supervisor John Moorlach, and State Senator Mimi Walters in CD 45, and Carl DeMaio and Kik Jorgensen in CD 52. All the candidates responded except for Strickland, whose campaign indicated that they would participate in the future.
The first question that we have posed to the candidates, with 300 words or less to answer, was: If you were in Congress now, based on the information you have available to you, would you vote for a resolution… Read More