GOP Favorability Takes a Hit in Gallup Survey
The fate of Republican candidates in marginal districts depends on a number of factors: turnout rates, top of the ticket performance and party favorability among them. The later especially matters in state and federal races where party label appears next to a candidate’s name on the ballot.
Republican candidates and strategists should be concerned with Gallup data released this week showing that the Republican Party’s favorability rating has dropped to 28% — a historic low, and 10 points lower than it was a month ago.
This is not helpful.
In his book Courage and Consequence Karl Rove correctly notes that the higher the office, the more likely the voters will see the candidates for who they truly are. The reverse is also true: the lower the office, the more voters don’t know the candidates by name, and by extension need to rely on other signals – such as their party affiliation.
For this reason party favorability has a disproportionate impact on downticket candidates for state and federal office.