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Jason Cabel Roe

Nathan Fletcher Attacks Steve Poizner for Flip-Flopping

No need to revisit Nathan Fletcher’s political opportunism here, it is well-documented. But this 60 seconds of interview with Nathan on the Mark Larson Show is well worth the listen. Every single word of it could be applied to Nathan today and I hope he gets a chance to listen to himself as he parades around with his “change of heart.” … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Random Thoughts For A Friday

Some random thoughts on the passing California political scene…

IDIOT OF THE WEEK AWARD: Its unclear who the specific winner here is — it may be the entire Workers’ Compensation system in California. But specifically it is the person, persons or rules that would allow former U.C. Davis Police Lieutenant John Pike to be awarded $38,000 in benefits after he suffered stress as a result of the notoriety and attention he received, back in 2011, when he unloaded a stream of pepper spray on students who were peacefully protesting tuition increases. All you have to do is take a moment to watch the video and, well, you will understand how idiotic this cash bonus was for someone who may have been 2011’s Idiot of the Year. By the way, I know for a fact that the compilation of videos of police response to that protest is now routinely used in officer training to show how NOT to handle an incident such as… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Million Dollar Fine Will Be Heralded By The Left, An Assault On Political Speech

We saw a lot of news stories last year surrounding the $11 million dollar contribution that was made from an Arizona-based non-profit to the Small Business Action Committee here in California last year. This contribution was made during a period of time when SBAC was heavily funding independent efforts to defeat Prop. 30 and to pass Prop. 32 (with no success, I might add, unfortunately). Prop. 30 was the measure to increase the state’s sales tax rate, and Prop. 32, if passed, would have taken away the ability of public employee unions to collect dues through payroll deductions. Apparently the funds sent to the SBAC by this Arizona non-profit were sent to that entity by two other non-profits. Under federal laws, 501c4 non-profit organizations are not required to publicly report their donors. Left-of-center groups like Common Cause (who hate the idea that there is money in politics, except for when they agree on the cause for which it is being spent) took issue with this large contribution, arguing that these groups must have been acting as some sort of “pass through” for California donors who wanted to maintain some anonymity in their… Read More

Frank Schubert

Is the California Secretary of State’s Office the Next IRS?

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California’s Secretary of State has the constitutional responsibility to implement a fair and impartial elections process. Indeed the integrity of state government depends on the impartial execution of her duties. Yet there are troubling indications that Secretary Deborah Bowen’s office may be improperly manipulating the election process, taking actions to damage a political cause disfavored by Democrats in the same way that the IRS used its power to damage conservative groups and causes.

Assembly Bill 1266 is a law passed solely with Democratic votes and signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown. The new law, sponsored by the gay rights group Equality California – whose PAC exclusively supports Democrat politicians – mandates that students in California public schools shall be granted access to vulnerable school facilities such as showers, locker rooms, changing areas and bathrooms based on “gender identity” and not their actual sex.

The law is one that leaves most people shaking their heads and asking, “what were they thinking?” A recent statewide survey found that only 35% of California voters support the law, while 51% oppose it.… Read More

Dick Ackerman

Revitalizing California’s Economy Requires Reinvestment in the Workforce

[Publisher’s Note: We are pleased to offer this original commentary from retired State Senator Dick Ackerman – Flash]

If you are new to the FlashReport, please check out the main site and the acclaimed FlashReport Weblog on California politics.

Every $1 the state invests in UCLA produces $34 in economic activity. As California’s largest UC, it pumps $12.7 billion into the state’s economy every year.

These findings, from a new study of UCLA’s economic contributions, demonstrate the importance of investing in higher education to keep California’s economic recovery alive – and to position the Golden State for a more prosperous future.

In Orange County, where I live, UC Irvine is the second-largest employer and generates an economic impact on the county… Read More

Edward Ring

BART Strike is a Teachable Moment

Reactions from the press and public to the BART strikes this year have been overwhelmingly negative. In one of the safest Democratic strongholds in the U.S., there is serious talk of outlawing future BART strikes.

Asreportedin the San Francisco Chronicle on October 19th, “That discussion has already begun, in letters from California lawmakers to Gov.Jerry Brown, from state Sen.Mark DeSaulnier, D-Concord, who said he “looking into legislation that could prevent future strikes,” a petition drive by aDemocraticRead More

Richard Rider

An army of robot baristas could mean the end of Starbucks

Raise the minimum wage! To $10, $12, $15 — more!

Help the downtrodden fast food worker. It all comes out of corporate profits, and so who cares? What could be more fair?

Two problems: 1. Economic reality. 2. Technology.

Dramatically raising wages (coupled with all the ancillary costs of labor) is a huge incentive to replace labor with machines. Below is a highly sophisticated coffee dispensing kiosk (not yet in commercial production) that is potentially thecompletereplacement for a Starbucks store. It’s a highly specialized, heavily customized “coffee shop” with next to ZERO labor.

Don’t get me wrong. For years to come, many clueless liberals will still pay $5 or more for their handmade coffee at Starbucks. Saving the world, one cup of java at a time.

But if (more likewhen) this technology innovation wave is fully commercialized, market forces (and lower prices) will have a devastating effect on unskilled fast food labor. Unemployment will grow, with fewer and fewer able to get even… Read More

Katy Grimes

Congressional hopeful defined by freedom

Having faith in freedom, Igor Birman is hoping voters “hire” him for Congress. “I’m here on a job interview asking you to hire me,” Birman tells voters he meets.

Birman, a Russian Jewish Immigrant and Republican, announced in September he is running for Congress against Rep. Ami Bera, a Democrat from Congressional District 7. At 32, Birman has a unique ability to reach young and ethnic voters who historically have been wooed by Democrats. At a Sacramento coffee shop, he sat down to talk to me.

“I was defined by freedom,” Birman said when we met this week. “But that freedom now… Read More

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