Posted by Jon Coupal at 6:54 am on Dec 02, 2013 Comments Off on THE BULLET TRAIN IS LIKE THE WALKING DEAD
Pop quiz. Which of the following statements is true? A.
California High speed rail (HSR) will allow riders to travel
between Los Angeles and San Francisco in about two and a half hours
for $50. B. The total cost of HSR will be about $40 billion. C.
About half the cost of HSR will be picked up by the private sector
and the federal government. D. If you like your plan you can keep
If you answered none of the above, you are correct and probably
good at spotting misinformation put out by the political class to
manipulate public opinion.
The first 3 statements come from arguments by those who
supported Proposition 1A, or, as it was called, the Safe, Reliable
High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century, which
appeared on the ballot in 2008. Using rosy estimates of short
travel times at low cost, along with several million dollars
provided by labor unions to get the message out, promoters of
Proposition 1A convinced voters to approve a $10 billion bond. It
also helped that the glowingly positive ballot title and summary,
which are supposed to be objective and are usually written by the
attorney general, were prepared by members of the Legislature
who… Read More