Survey ranks CA the “worst run state” in America – 3rd year in a row
For the 3rdstraight year, 24/7 WALL ST ranks California the “worst run state” in the U.S. The comparison uses a variety of criteria to measure how a well a state is managed, which results in some otherwise attractive states scoring low. Nevada, South Carolina and Arizona are also listed among the bottom ten states.
Apparently the analysis does not give weight to the cost of living. If it did, California would probably be ranked 57thor so.
Seems that no matter what economic criteria one uses, California consistently scores in the worst five — often numero bottomo.
Ahhh, but there’s always the California weather to fall back on. Too bad businesses can’t crank weather into their income statements and balance sheets.
Top five well run states? In order: North Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa, Nebraska and Utah.
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