Rewriting Constitution: Can It Happen?
You hear an idea generated from the Left and say to yourself, “that will never happen.” Then the idea starts to spread and spread some more. All of sudden the idea you thought would never get anywhere is reverberating throughout the Left and enters the halls of Congress or state legislatures or city halls as something considered as “rational thought.” This has been happening over and over again. There is a new idea emerging. The Left is beginning to push this idea and unless we strangle it now, it could become mainstream Leftist thought. A perfect example of how misguided ideas germinate and then sprout into a full-fledged insane idea is reparations. The idea bounced around at a low level for years. Audley Moore was known as the “Queen Mother” of the idea from the early 1960’s. The modern surge came from a Ta-Nehisi Coates’ 2014 column, The Case for Reparations. He had the advantage of living in the internet age and his column went viral. That idea has spread throughout blue states and municipalities within those states. This is often in states like California or Illinois where slavery was always outlawed. This is despite the… Read More