Liberal Democrats are impoverishing California
For the second year in a row, California is the most impoverished state in the nation, according to the latest statistics from Obama’s Census Bureau. And it is no coincidence that the poor have become poorer in California in the last two years, since enactment of Jerry Brown’s and the liberal Democrats’ Proposition 30 tax hikes in 2012.
More than 6.2 million Californians live in poverty today. That is an appalling fact, given all the opportunity in this state. But that opportunity, which can result in a $271,000 annual salary for a maintenance yard foreman in Oakland who is a member of the public employee union at the Bay Area Rapid Transit District, is not making its way to California’s poorest. And in fact, the taxes the liberal Democrats are inflicting on our state are having a devastating affect on poor families, and making them poorer.
I attended a conference at Pepperdine Law School last weekend and an economist from Stanford, Joseph Bankman, who testified in Sacramento last year in support of hiking the gasoline tax to the highest level of any state in the nation, admitted that transportation costs for some of the poorest… Read More