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Jon Fleischman

As Wright Scandal Goes Into Week 2, Will Any Senators Stand Up?

Six days ago State Senator Rod Wright was found guilty by a jury of eight felony counts — some for perjury and some for voter fraud. All of the counts stem from the successful prosecuting of Wright by the Los Angeles County District Attorneys office for basically not residing in the Senate District he represents. If the judge were to “throw the book” at Wright he could spend as long as eight years in prison. In all likelihood it would be much less than that. Sentencing has been set for March 12.

The next day I published an editorial the gist of which was that if Senator Wright does not resign he must be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. I was not… Read More

Richard Rider

The California University Jew and Asian Student Admission Quota Act

This Associated Press “story” about the California bill to overturn Prop 209 (the anti-“affirmative action” prop passed by the voters in 1996) is essentially the “cut and paste” version of the dishonest press release put out by proponents. The AP is no longer a press organization — it’s become largely a government “information” distribution channel. No fact checking allowed — and sadly some papers (including theSAN DIEGO U-T) too often run AP stories without even a cursory review.

Here’s what the story says: “In 1995, minority students accounted for 38 percent of high school graduates and 21 percent of those entering as University of California freshmen, Hernandez[a principal proponent of the bill]said. By 2004, they made up 45 percent of high school graduates but 18 percent of incoming UC freshmen, he said, adding the gap is growing.”

But go look at the official stats of the demographics of 2013 incoming UC freshman: Read More

Scott Carpenter

Poll Numbers Being Circulated, Moorlach Ahead in CD 45 Race

Before I say anything for the purposes of full disclosure I would like to say that I am a personal friend of the Moorlach family and work on the same floor as him at the County Hall of Administration. I also have a good relationship with Senator Walters’ staff and was a volunteer for her State Senate campaign, as an OC Young Republican board member I spent dozens of hours volunteering for her campaign. I do not know Greg Raths all that well, I’ve met him a few times and as State Vice-Chair of the Young Republicans I gave him an opportunity to speak at our last meeting at the CRP convention. Now on to the news:

A few months ago a friend of mine in Sacramento sent me a random message on facebook saying “Hey do you know who’s doing polling in CD 45?” I had no clue a poll was being conducted…and shortly after Pat Maciariello that episode dropped out of the race. So in my own head I came up with the theory it must have been Pat doing polling to check viability. Since then I always kind of wondered what the numbers looked like. Given my personal friendships with many directly involved with this race it was just something I … Read More

Asm. Kristin Olsen

Sign Up for the Capitol Fellowship Program

Are you looking for an opportunity to get more involved in the political process? Are you concerned about the State of California and want to help make a difference in determining its future? Are you graduating from college this year but unsure of your next step? Then, consider applying for one of the 2014-15 Capitol Fellows Programs.

Our state needs intelligent, determined, young conservatives who will help pave the way for a better California – a California where economic prosperity and opportunity make it the Golden State once again, instead of the state of… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Telephone Townhall for Small Businesses

On February 4 at 10:00 a.m. and February 19 at 2:00 p.m. I’ll be hosting two telephone townhalls for small business owners. These free events, co-hosted by the National Federation of Independent Business, will provide specific information to small business owners on how best to avoid common tax errors.

Small businesses play a vital role in our economy, but every day owners face challenges with tax laws in the State of California. The laws can be complicated and owners can face stiff penalties and interest if deadlines and accuracy are not met. As their elected taxpayer advocate, I want to hear their concerns and answer their questions.

The telephone townhalls will inform small business owners about how to protect themselves from common tax traps such as missing records, successor liability, undercollection of tax, and invalid resale certificates. Information about these issues will help small businesses avoid making potentially costly mistakes.

If you’re a business owner or interesting in starting your own business, I encourage you to join me on one of these calls. Please register online atRead More

Jon Fleischman

Waxman Retiring A Bad Sign for House Democrats

In 1975 Billboard’s number one song of the year was Captain and Tennille’s “Love Will Keep Us Together” – and apparently that worked for almost years, with news coming out last week that 70’s that the two entertainers, who were married, had filed for divorce. ’75 was the year that newly elected Congressman Henry Waxman was sworn into his first term in Congress. And now, 40 years later, he’s calling it quits as well.

Liberal icon Henry Waxman announced today that he is retiring from the House of Representatives. That such a senior Democrat would bail out, on the heels of fellow 40 year incumbent Rep. George Miller’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Go Figure – New Study Shows WalMart Supercenters Are A Win-Win For Everyone

The debate around the benefits of superstores is often dominated by irrational fears, political grandstanding, heavy handed union thuggery, and misleading arguments based on emotion. It’s a tired conversation and one I’ve never personally bought into.

Fortunately, there are more facts – than fears – that show the other side of the debate.

A study just published by the Hatamiya Group, and commissioned by Walmart,… Read More

Assemblyman Donald P. Wagner

A Surprising Way to Budget

The Assembly Budget Committee heard from the governor’s office last week in defense of the proposed 2014-15 budget. I thought I’d share the bizarre and surprising answer I got to a question I asked about that budget.

By way of background, the governor proposes to spend 30% of the state’s receipts from the Cap and Trade auction on high speed rail. Now, Cap and Trade is a neat little scam the government runs under the AB32 scheme to supposedly reduce greenhouse gasses. Under AB32, businesses that emit greenhouse gas are limited in the amount of such gasses they can put out. However, in a significant loophole, the government has set up a “market” by which gas emitters can purchase the right to discharge excess gas. The effect, of course, is to increase the amount of greenhouse gasses that would otherwise be produced, by allowing companies to buy their way out of the limits. But since the government gets the money, it overlooks this gaping logical hole in AB32.

One use to which the budget proposes to put some of this Cap and Trade money is the governor’s misguided high speed rail project. Specifically, a… Read More

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