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Katy Grimes

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned — Part ll of the firing of Dr. James Enstrom

There is a disturbing trend of state and federal environmental agencies, which do end runs around state legislatures and Congress, and regulate carbon emissions themselves.

The Environmental Protection Agency has been doing this for years, as has California’s Air Resources Board. And they’ve gotten away with this thanks to activist scientists.

But when another scientist blows the whistle, look out. Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.

UCLA lawsuit, Dr. James Enstrom

Dr. James E. Enstrom, Ph.D. a University of California at Los Angeles research professor who was terminated after he blew the whistle on junk environmental science and scientific misconduct at the University of California, filed… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Audit of BOE Headquarters Building Could Save Taxpayers Millions

Today, I will be testifying in front of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee in support of Assemblyman Roger Dickinson’s request for an audit to determine the overall costs of repairing the problem-plagued Board of Equalization headquarters building versus relocating to a new facility.

The state is currently wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on repairs, while ignoring the obvious need for a new cost-effective headquarters location. I’m confident a state audit will provide the evidence we need to move forward.

My district includes the Sacramento area, home to the BOE headquarters building and many of the employees who work there.

Dickinson’s request will be considered when JLAC meets at 2 PM in State Capitol Room 126.… Read More

Katy Grimes

Ballot initiative would speed up dismissal process for egregious teacher misconduct

For several years, bills to streamline the dismissal process for teachers accused of egregious misconduct have failed in the Legislature.

Because of the legislative impasse, EdVoice, a Sacramento based, a non-profit educational reform group, has proposed ballot measure to change this.

The name says it all: The “Stop Child Molesters, Sexual Abusers and Drug Dealers From Working In California SchoolsRead More

Jon Fleischman

CD45: Mimi Walters Clear Favorite To Succeed Campbell With Moorlach’s Departure

[1]" src="" alt="" width="200" height="300" srcset=" 200w, 682w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px" />[/caption]Within minutes of Congressman John Campbell’s announcement on the Hugh Hewitt nationally syndicated radio show that he would be retiring from the House of Representatives at the end of his term, State Senator Mimi Walters announced that she was running for California’s Republican-rich 45th District located in East and South Orange County. Walters had already been running for an open seat on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Out the gate, Walters established herself as the front-runner. She had locked down a vast number of endorsements from local officials and a host of federal and state legislators within days, and has been a fundraising juggernaut, amassing a war chest showing nearly a half-million… Read More

Edward Ring

How Much Does Professionalism Cost?

When discussing the sensitive subject of public employee compensation, there are several important dimensions that must be considered – can we afford it, is it appropriate and fair, how does it compare to the private sector (if comparisons can even be made), what are the additional costs for employer paid benefits, and how do we estimate the annual employer payments required to fund future retirement pensions and healthcare?

When discussing public safety compensation, there is an additional layer of complexity – how do we adequately value the premium that public safety personnel deserve as compensation for the risks they take in the performance of their jobs? These are tough questions that have been explored here and elsewhere. These discussions are healthy and necessary. But there is another question that is worth exploring, for all public employees but especially with respect to public safety employees – if they are to be highly compensated, than what expectations may the public have regarding their professionalism, and how may they be held accountable for their conduct?

Before going any further, it is important to add the following points:… Read More

Katy Grimes

Is the ARB bringing California to its knees through regulation?

California used to be the fifth largest economy in the world. Today, we have slipped to ninth place. Many say this decline is self-imposed throughdetrimental tax policy, and even moredestructive state regulations.

As such, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 should have been called the “Bring California to its Knees Act of 2006.”

Under the control of Mary Nichols, the California Air Resources Board has been in total control of implementing AB 32,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jessica Patterson: Meet the Candidates Who Are Renewing the Republican Party

Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, I am pleased to present this column from Jessica Patterson. Patterson is CEO of California Trailblazers. – Flash]

As someone who has worked in California and national politics for the last decade, I understand the challenges facing the Republican Party. I’ve experienced ups and downs, candidate triumphs and losses. With declining party registration and a lackluster GOP image, we all recognize we have a tough road ahead. But the opportunities for progress are limitless because we only have one place to go: up. There are bright spots and achievements to give us promise that California will enjoy a better path forward as more Republicans are elected to state legislative office.Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Hrabe Piece on Swearengin is Inaccurate

The ink was not yet dry on Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin’s surprising announcement for State Controller when a ratherridiculous oped pieceappeared over at Titled “5 Reasons Why Ashley Swearengin Isn’t Qualified for State Controller“. First of all, I live in Fresno, I’ve worked with Ashley on numerous issues, and opposed her on many issues. No matter what side of an argument she takes, her preparation, work ethic and determination are unquestioned by even her most strident opponents. I have no idea whether she’s qualified to be the State Controller, but I look at the Democrats on the ballot and I know they aren’t.

Let’s take Hrabe’s piece apart based on his statements. First, he cites “Swearengin’s Fiscal Mismanagent”, which need much more explanation. She inherited a complete fiscal disaster from her predecessor and the Obama recession on top of that. Every example he cites as her… Read More

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