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Jon Fleischman

Senate President Steinberg Makes A Bad Situation Worse

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

— Martin Luther King Jr.

Much has been written and will be written about the now-unsealed indictment of State Senator Leland Yee.Much has been written and will be written about the upcoming trial of State Senator Ron Calderon.And much has been written about the now completed trial of State Senator Rod Wright, who as we know was found guilty by a jury of his peer of eight felony crimes.It is unprecedented, as far as I know, that three different State Senators have been simultaneously serving under these extreme circumstances.

Darrell Steinberg didn’t sign up to be the President of the Senate in this kind of unprecedented “season of corruption” in the California legislature’s upper house. That having been said, the institution has needed a Pro Tem who can provide a bright, clear line between ethical, law abiding legislators, which we can hope number 37 – and this… Read More

Katy Grimes

State drought policies just don’t hold water

Part l of two stories about the reality of California’s water supply

Whether or not California’s drought conditions are brought on by alleged “global warming,” most agree the state is lacking rainfall. What many in the state refuse to acknowledge is that this is actually typical; drought occurs 40 percent of the time in California. It’s not unusual.

However, government and public officials with an agenda of opportunistic control are fueling the melodramatic media coverage of the state’s rainfall shortage. And many of these same officials have been mum about the state’s historical lack of adequate water storage, despite an increasing population.

Rationing shortfalls

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George Radanovich

No Limited Government with Fatherless Children

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Tonight, 40% of children in America will go to sleep with just one parent in the home and a report released in October of 2013 by the Congressional Research Service indicates that, at $745.84 billion per year, welfare programs have surpassed Medicare and Social Security as the largest federal budget item.

Alarming statistics. But perhaps more alarming is that 0% of the 537 elected federal officials in Washington DC fully understand the relationship between the fatherless child and government costs; that dedicated parenting is essential to the pursuit of happiness and the lack thereof is the common denominator of the runaway cost of government.

President Obama has at least acknowledged the plight of the fatherless child. In a 2008 speech on the subject of fatherhood, the president stated the following: Children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and twenty times more likely to end up in prison. All of this burdens the economy and government by increasing the cost of education, law enforcement and prison incarceration.

Thankfully, no government program was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Hearty Welcome To State Senator-Elect Mike Morrell!

Last night by a rather overwhelming margin voters in the 23rd State Senate District voted to elect Mike Morrell as their next State Senator. For the past few years Morrell has been serving in the State Assembly, where he established himself as one of the most articulate conservatives in the lower chamber.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mike and his family for many, many years — going back to my involvement as State President of the California Republican Assembly too many years ago — and through our mutual involvement and support of the Clarement Institute. Mike is strong, principled leader. His political philosophy is well thought out,… Read More

Edward Ring

Add ALL Public Workers to Social Security

“I think expanding Social Security benefits is incredibly important… the current Social Security benefits are not covering the cost of living for seniors.” – Shenna Bellows, Democrat, candidate for U.S. Senate, Maine, as quoted in Fiscal Times article “Liberal Dems’ New Goal: Boost Social Security Benefits,”

The debate over what role, if any, government should play in ensuring retirement security for all Americans, ought to be creating strange bedfellows.Liberal Democrats like Shenna Bellows want to expand Social Security. Many conservative Republicans want to reform public sector pensions by eliminating them in favor of individual 401K accounts. They ought to be working together.

There is only one equitable and affordable way to expand Social Security benefits, and that is by requiring all public sector employees, with no exceptions, to participate in Social Security from now on.

The reason for this is because Social Security, unlike typical public sector defined benefits, are progressive. This means… Read More

Katy Grimes

State Democrats kill High-Speed Rail accountability spending bill

SACRAMENTO — It is very discouraging that something so clear-cut like the High-Speed Rail Authority’s misspending practices are embraced by state Democrats.

Assembly Bill 1501, by Assemblyman Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, California High Speed Rail Funding Accountability Act, was killed in the Assembly Transportation Committee Monday, with the majority of Democrats voting in opposition.… Read More

Randall Jordan

Burlingame- 2014 California Republican Convention – TPCC Report

Well, it was just over a year ago, last March to be exact, that I plus Norm and Lydia Thompson attended our first CRP (California Republican Party) Convention in Sacramento . We three were brand new delegates from San Luis Obispo County and local Tea Party members. To say Convention was uneventful is an understatement. There was a lot of backslapping and social imbibing going on but not much political activity other than behind closed doors. Oddly enough, it seemed when Lydia or myself would raise questions at the end of meetings on stated platforms or CRP positions, folks would come up to us and want to know where we got our info or inform us that they too were Tea Party members throughout the state.

Well, fast forward to our inaugural Tea Party California Caucus (TPCC) meeting in Anaheim a short seven months later. This Convention was quite different. Energy abounded, free speech and opinions were flying the entire weekend and the social meeting atmosphere changed to one of a political event. CRP Chairman Jim Brulte welcomed us with open but slightly tentative arms. I don’t think he or the “establishment” (CRP Republicans) knew quite what to expect. Oh,… Read More

Rick Manning

War on Bloggers Escalates

By Rick Manning

The First Amendment is a pesky thing to politicians. It allows, nay encourages, the exact kind of diverse political speech that those in power loathe. Born out of the legacy of the Revolutionary War pamphleteers and their radical thoughts of freedom, today these liberty lovers take the form of citizen journalists utilizing the Internet to push ideas, advocate, report and uncover stories that aren’t being told, afflicting the powerful and holding them accountable. This has been at the heart of press freedom, not the corporate media empires that are often little more than government propaganda machines.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), not content to just continue her long running attempt to put a dagger into the right to keep and bear arms, is leading the charge to create a federal government sanctioned journalist licensing system that threatens the First Amendment as well.

Her Orwellian titled “Free Flow of Information Act of 2013”, which is also known as the “media shield bill” has passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is… Read More

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