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Harold Johnson

San Ramon’s pension tax: Ingenious? No, illegal

For public officials, generosity can be the mother of invention – and not in a good way.

This is certainly so when it comes to generous pension promises to government employees. Up and down California, politicians have had to scramble for inventive ways to pay for their munificence to public-sector retirees.

Too often the funding strategies are more reckless than resourceful.

As the pothole-pocked streets in many communities show, “delayed maintenance” is one formula for freeing up money for pension costs.

Scores of California localities have also turned to risky finance in the form of “pension obligation bonds.” Either they’ve sold bonds in order to pay near-term pension bills with long-term borrowing (essentially off-loading today’s financial woes onto the next generation), or they’ve tried to master the arcane Wall Street art of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Steinberg, DeLeon At His Side, Once Again Dismiss Wright’s Eight Felony Verdicts

As one talks about the “culture of corruption” in the State Legislature, there is still an unbelievable sense of entitlement and living “above the law” that permeates the building.It was once again on full display as Senate President Pro-Tem Darrell Steinberg, flanked by his chosen successor Senator Kevin DeLeon, spoke in the Capitol, capturedin this short video clip from the Sacramento Bee.All you need to do is go to the 30 second point on the video to find Steinberg saying, “While the Senate itself and its members are not responsible for the alleged abhorrent behavior of two members, we are going to take … Read More

Edward Ring

Construction Unions Should Fight for Infrastructure that Helps the Economy

One primary reason California has the highest cost-of-living (and cost of doing business) in America, combined with a crumbling infrastructure, is because California’s construction unions have allied themselves with environmental extremists and crony “green” capitalists, instead of fighting for what might actually help their state.

California’s construction unions ought to take a look around the rest of the country, where thousands of jobs are being created in the energy industries – really good jobs – doing something that actually helps ordinary people. Because the natural gas revolution unleashed inNorth Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio is creating thousands of jobs in those states at the same time as it lowers the cost of energy for consumers who struggle to make ends meet.

More generally, construction unions should remember that it is not only how much their own members earn that matters, but how much things cost everyone. If things cost less, you can make less yet enjoy the same standard of living. When unions fight for high paying jobs on projects that are useless, they only help… Read More

Assemblyman Donald P. Wagner

You Don’t Get to Keep Stolen Property; Neither Should Your Bank

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[Publisher’s Note: We are pleased to offer this original commentary from Assemblyman Don Wagner (R-Irvine) – Flash]

You don’t get to keep stolen property.

That’s a pretty basic legal principle. If your property gets stolen and sold by the thief, the buyer does not get to keep it; you get your stolen property back. You might think everyone agrees with that, but you would be wrong. At a legislative hearing on Tuesday some pretty powerful business interests will argue that they should get to keep stolen property.

The bill raising this issue is AB 1698 and I am its author. It is in response to a growing problem involving real estate fraud and is supported by the California District Attorneys’ Association who see an increasing number of cases of criminals defrauding homeowners – often the elderly – out of title to their homes. The scam is deceptively easy. The criminal can merely record a deed to property, thereby appearing in the title records to actually own it, and then either sell the stolen property to a third… Read More

Katy Grimes

AD73: Bryson Campaign Tries To Obfuscate Court Loss With Rhetoric

When one must ask “what is the definition of ‘false and misleading’? in a political campaign,” it is is evident Assembly District 73’s Anna Brysonis twisting and contorting a legal ruling against her into something that it just is not.

As many voters have grown cynical about the veracity of political candidates and politicians, sometimes “false and misleading” statements go too far. Legal mincing and parsing of words brings back former President Bill Clinton’s notorious 1998 statement to a grand jury about the Monica Lewinski affair, “It depends on what the meaning ‘is’ is.”

It’s deja vu all over again withAssembly District 73’s Anna Bryson Campaign.

The heart of the matter

At the heart of a recent issue of this nature is an official… Read More

Barry Jantz

Republican Glee?

Are Republicans gleeful over recent events impacting the State Senate? That clearly seems the case in some quarters.

Glee may be natural, given the circumstances.

Yet, I’ve been around long enough to remember some Republican legislators also nailed in stings and caught up in public corruption. That absolute power thing, it most certainly can go both ways, regardless of party.

Human nature isn’t partisan.

So, I’ll leave it to the blindly partisan to cite examples in attempts to prove which party produces the most bad apples.

I do note that Republicans in the California legislature don’t have enough clout for any influence peddlers to even tempt them with graft.

Yet, if in fact Republican legislators can somehow successfully capitalize on current events, I would caution them to remember not to someday feast at the indoor table while standing upright on two hooves.

# # #… Read More

Jon Coupal


Hey, New Jersey and Chicago, you’ve got nothing on California. For several years, the Golden State has tried to be number one among all states in tax burden – and, of course, we are very close to that prize. But now we seem to be striving for a new number one title: The most corrupt state in America.

By now, few people in California haven’t heard about the latest in corruption scandals emanating from the California Legislature. In a nutshell, liberal San Francisco democrat Leland Yee… Read More

Ron Nehring

Reports on polling in the Governor’s race miss the big picture

Have you ever gone to see a movie based on a book you’ve read, and found that the two have less in common than you thought? It’s the same with some of the reporting about the latest PPIC poll, especially as it relates to the governor’s race.

One news story described the race as “a one man show,” citing Brown’s “37 percentage-point edge over his nearest rival…” You get the point. Game over, right?

Not so much.

There are not one, but two elections at play here: the June election, and the November runoff. The dynamics will change radically between the first and the second, and much of the reporting misses this critical fact.

Incumbent Gov. Jerry Brown currently leads in the PPIC poll by that 37%. For all practical purposes, in the June election, which right now is the only one that counts, this number is absolutely, totally meaningless. Everyone knows Brown will place first in the new “top two” primary. It’s the top two finishers who both go on to the runoff, not the top one finisher.

The… Read More

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