The “Second War Between the States”:
Some of you may know that I have been a lifelong U.S. Civil War buff. I read every book I could as a kid and even did some re-enacting as an adult. Much of my interest in the war comes from the fact that the issues and outcome of that conflict shaped America for the next 100 years.
I now believe that we are at the cusp of a second “War Between the States”. In this case, I do not expect one side to take up arms against the other. Nor do I expect states to secede from the Union. There is also not a nice, clean Mason-Dixon Line to separate those states on one side from those on the other. But, I do expect it to be a “war” that will drag on for some time and I believe its issues and outcome will shape the country for decades or longer.
In my “Laptop Report” to you a couple of weeks ago entitled “Frustration”, I said that I did not expect, “…the principles and causes for which I have stood,” to find their resolution in Washington. That’s because I expect that resolution to come at the state level…but, not until after the “war” between those states. Allow me to explain.
I am often asked why things… Read More