Sex-Selection Abortions Don’t Just Happen Abroad – But Right Here in California
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It is no secret that for generations, China, India, and other nations have had a strong cultural preference for bearing male offspring. Boys are viewed as a blessing – future working men who can provide for their parents. Girls are often treated as a burden. As a local Telugu saying goes in India, “rearing a daughter is like watering a neighbor’s tree.” In China, a fascist one-child policy has only served to intensify the desire to have a son instead of a daughter.
As a result, the United Nations now estimates that as many as 200 million females worldwide have had their lives ended either through sex-selection abortion or infanticide, simply for being the “wrong” gender.
The sex ratio in India is now 112 males for every 100 females. In China there are now 120 boys for every 100 girls.
What has come to be known as “gendercide” is proving to have disastrous societal effects, where sex trafficking flourishes as a result of tens of millions of young men unable to find a spouse.
While this practice is rightly shunned from afar in the United States, most elected officials here have turned a blind eye to the fact that “gendercide”… Read More