On Public Safety Policy, We Need Sensible Leadership Across California
I worked in law enforcement for 33 years, 31 of those with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. During that time, advances in technology, techniques and tactics have helped us reduce crime in LA and around the state by dramatic numbers. But public safety policy is too often determined strictly by political or budgetary pressures, rather than what is best to help protect citizens.
The most recent example of this is so-called ‘Realignment’, created by the Legislature and Governor Brown through AB109 to shift much of the burden for prisoners off the state and back to the counties. In purely literal terms, AB109 has done what it promised – it has moved inmates, and their associated costs, out of state prisons and into county jails.
The Los Angeles County jail system is the most complex and dangerous jail system in the country and realignment has only exacerbated the issues we see today. First, county jails are only meant to house inmates for 365 days, one year, for a variety of reasons from petty crimes, those awaiting trial, or those waiting for transfer to a state institution.
But now, rather than housing prisoners for a year, we have… Read More