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Katy Grimes

Californians Prove This Is The Crazy State

I’ve finally got the hard proof I need demonstrating that an IQ test should be administered prior to being granted the privilege to vote.

In Tuesday’s election, 287,590California voters cast ballots for Sen. Leland Yee of San Francisco, in the Secretary of State race. Yee isunder indictment by the FBI since April, for arms trafficking and bribery. Yeewithdrew from the race, but it was too late for his name to be removed from the ballot.

Yee ended the night with nearly 10 percent of the votes. Of the top two winners, Sen. Alex Padilla, got only 884,857votes, 30 percent of the votes. Republican Pete Peterson… Read More

Katy Grimes

How Many Local Office Holders Not Worthy Of Election To Legislature?

There is a disturbing trend happening in California, with cities trying to place sales and property tax increase initiatives on the ballot, often without a petition drive of the voters. Ostensibly these tax revenues are earmarked for “public safety,” or 
road maintenance, and improvements.

But that’s complete hooey; this money will be undoubtedly be used to pay for CalPERS pension and retiree health benefit payments. It has to be used for pensions and benefit payments, because most cities are so deep in debt, they can’t afford to fix sewer systems, maintain roads, or even maintain… Read More

Jon Fleischman

An Interview With Dan Schnur, Candidate For Secretary of State – Part 2

[Below is part two of a wide-ranging interview that I conducted with my longtime friend Dan Schnur, who is running for Secretary of State. Part 1 can be found here. An this interview we discussed a variety of issues. For me, the highlights included hearing about Dan’s start in politics on the Reagan campaign, his candidness on the need to have real ethical reforms in the State Capitol, and why he disagrees with Pete Peterson on the critical question of voter ID laws. — Flash]

Flash: I want to chat a little bit about your thoughts about what’s been going on in Sacramento lately relative to now we have not one, not two, but three state senators that are facing criminal charges or convictions. And then, we’ll close by talking a little bit about how people reading this interview can get ahold of you and your campaign. So talk to use about Sacramento. We’ve got Senator Rod Wright convicted of eight felony counts of election fraud and… Read More

Richard Rider

State estate and inheritance taxes vary DRAMATICALLY. CA is tax-free! However…

As my readers will attest, I’m no fan of California tax policy. But there is one area where the Golden State is tied for the BEST tax policy — we have ZERO estate and inheritance taxes. Don’t betooimpressed — we are tied with 30 other states that now have no such tax — and that number is growing. Check out the map at the bottom of my article from the Tax Foundation.

I’d love to give California politicians credit for repealing the CA estate tax in 1982. But, to no one’s surprise, this repeal was done by the VOTERS — over the OBJECTIONS of our Democrat-controlled state legislature and Big Government bottom feeders. Props 5 and 6 repealing such taxes passed easily, with over 60% of those casting ballots voting approval.,_Repeal_of_Inheritance_and_Gift_Tax_Laws_(June_1982)

It’s interesting to read the ballot arguments for … Read More

Lesli Gooch: The Best Choice to Represent Inland Empire Families in Congress

It has been an honor serving as a United States Congressman for the past 15 years. There are several good people running to replace me in Congress, however, as I leave office to return to private life at the end of this year, there isn’t anyone I trust more than Dr. Lesli Gooch to represent us in Congress. Lesli is the fighter we need in Washington.

As my Senior Policy Director, Lesli has proven that she gets things done despite the gridlock in Washington. She has worked to bring economic prosperity back to the Inland Empire. She helped to ensure that our logistics and housing industries, major job creators in this region, would be able to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

An Interview With Dan Schnur, Candidate For Secretary of State – Part 1

[Below is part one of a wide-ranging interview that I conducted with my longtime friend Dan Schnur, who is running for Secretary of State. We discussed a variety of issues. For me, the highlights included hearing about Dan’s start in politics on the Reagan campaign, his candidness on the need to have real ethical reforms in the State Capitol, and why he disagrees with Pete Peterson on the critical question of voter ID laws. — Flash]

Flash:Dan, it’s great to have you here today sitting down with us in the international headquarters of the Flash Report here in Newport Beach, California. It’s an exciting occasion because you, who were one of the first people to ever write for the Flash Report, are now seeking the office of California Secretary of State. We’re very excited to sit down with you and chat about it. Why don’t we start off this interview with you perhaps sharing with our readers/listeners how you got involved in politics?

DS:It goes back a long time. I was 20 years old and I wanted to work for Ronald Reagan’s re-election campaign. I… Read More

Barry Jantz

The FlashReport/Rostra Primary Election Contest for San Diego — Make your selections!

Cross-posted here at San Diego Rostra.

It’s time again, peeps! The contest both Reps and Dems equally love, or love to hate. Show us your PPP (political prognosticating prowess).

The “rules,” if that’s what you call some of these…

Read the questions closely. No tricks, just read the questions. Send your guesses to ONLY.The Rostra elves are assisting on this, so don’t send to my email. Do NOT post your answers here. Deadline to submit guesses: Election Day — Tuesday, June 3, 2014 — 7 pm, PST. No exceptions. If you’re reading this on FlashReport and don’t follow San Diego politics, don’t complain.Just … Read More

Katy Grimes

Stanford Doctor Brings Real-World Experience to Congressional Race

First-time political candidate Vanila Singh was inspired to run for Congress out of concern about the direction of the country. Singh is running for the congressional seat in California’s 17th congressional district, located in the South San Francisco Bay Area, and the heart of Silicon Valley.

While many political candidates say they are concerned about the direction of the country, Singh is different.

After spending a year as a medical intern at Yale New Haven hospital, Vanila was drawn to acute care medicine. She moved to New York City and completed her residency in Anesthesiology at Cornell Medical Center.

Currently a Professor and Physician at Stanford University, Singh was doing her residency in New York City on September 11, 2001 when the twin towers were bombed by terrorists. Singh spent days treating… Read More

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