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Katy Grimes

Mayor Kevin Johnson Uses Race To Boost Strong Mayor Initiative

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson and the Sacramento Bee appear to be trying to gin up race issues in Sacramento in order to win a campaign.

Mayor Johnson had two big stories about him in Sundays’ Sacramento Bee. The front page, above-the-fold story, was about Johnson’s Measure L Strong Mayor initiative – his fourth attempt.

The front page of the Forum/Opinion section featured a half-page photo of Johnson, above an op-ed by the Mayor, who said he hopes the recent alleged police racial violence in Ferguson, MO doesn’t happen in Sacramento.

This was the ugliest, and most irresponsible yellow journalism, I’ve seen in a long time. And this was an attempt to distract from Mayor Johnson’s actual performance… Read More

Richard Rider

California’s 2014 sky-high electricity rates — it’s gotten even worse

SUMMATION: Based on my updated research, the highest residential cost electrical utility in the nation by FAR is SEMPRA — a.k.a. SDG&E. Second is Pacific Gas&Electric. Third? Southern CA Edison. And all three lead the pack by a LOT.

California’sindustrialelectricity rates are FAR higher comparedto other states — 85.4% higher than the national average as of July, 2014. That’s a much worst difference than our average residential rates compared to other states.

Still to come are the effects of California’s unique “cap and trade” tax, which could boost our costs another 30%. Barring some dramatic change in policy, the disparity between electricity costs in California vs. the otherh states will only grow.


While I’m not adding this detailedresidentialelectricity cost analysis to my“Breaking Bad: CA vs. the Other States”fact sheet (this electricity… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Further Proof the State Should Not be in the Building Business

Today, the State Auditor issued a report regarding the Board of Equalization’s headquarters building.

The Auditor’s report is a clear indictment of the state’s efforts so far in dealing with the Board of Equalization’s problem-plagued headquarters, which is literally falling apart.

It’s clear the Department of General Services has failed to effectively manage the state’s facilities. The State of California should not be in the building business!

More work is needed, and I look forward to seeing the auditor’s recommendations implemented as soon as possible.

I also look forward to the results of the state facility study required by AB 1656, which should enable us to come up with a long-term solution that makes sense for both California taxpayers and state workers.

Visit the California State Auditor’s website for a complete copy of the report.… Read More

Richard Rider

Departing businesses hide their reasons for leaving California — but here’s a refreshing exception

We critics of California’s anti-business, anti-wealth, pro-litigation mindset get upset that the businesses that CA governments drive out of our state will seldom tell WHY they are leaving. Well, they DO come up with numerous reasons in their press releases, but most are “positive” factors that make somewhere else a preferred choice — rather than detailing the NEGATIVE factors that drive them out of the Golden State. ONE thing’s for sure — they are not leaving for the better weather!

But look it it from the standpoint of departing business owners and management. There’s no profit in announcing the real reasons they are living. Two major considerations call for avoiding criticizing California:

1. California is a notoriously vindictive state — the many agencies sometimes come after critics of thestatus quo. Even after they leave the state. Remember, if such companies do ANY business in the state, they face potentially onerous tax and regulatory repercussions. Plus the vicious FTB can come after you by going back years in tax… Read More

Richard Rider

Updated “California Is Doomed” fact sheet now updated and online

My “California Is Doomed” fact sheet is updated and online, as well as available in Word file format for printing. Formally titled “Breaking Bad: California vs. the Other States,” this dreary, annotated compendium of comparisons is well worth reviewing — in small bites (I don’t want readers to “OD” on this depression-inducing plethora of facts). Many updates are included.

It’s an invaluable resource when discussing California’s shortcomings — which sadly are many more than the 35 or so I include. Every Republican candidate in the state should have this reference handy when dealing with issues. Consider giving it to your local yokels. Read More

Katy Grimes

‘Transportation Justice’ Bills Signed by Gov. Jerry Brown

On the eve of the United Nations climate summit summitthis week, Gov.Jerry Brownsigned six bills to make California the biggest electric vehicle market in the nation. Brown’s goal is to have 1.5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2025.

The new laws expand the number of clean air vehicles with access to carpool and toll lanes from 55,000 to 70,000, regardless of how many occupants ride in the vehicles.

However, what Brown did not focus on are the electric car subsidies being extended to low income residents, under the administration of the Air Resources Board.Criticsof the increasingly subsidized green political movement say this is simply more taxpayer funded… Read More

Edward Ring

California’s 2014 Local Tax Proposals – The Costly Alternative to Pension Reform

On November 4th, along everything else on the ballot, California’s voters will be asked to approve local tax measures. A list compiled by theCalifornia Taxpayers Association, “2014 Local Elections,” shows that across California’s cities and counties, local tax increases proposed include the following:

– Tax increases requiring only a majority vote: 5 business taxes, 11 hotel taxes, 9 marijuana taxes, 2 “property transfer” taxes, 1 vehicle tax, 1 property “anti-speculation” tax in San Francisco, at least 10 “utility users taxes,” 38 proposals to either increase sales taxes or extend sales tax increases that were set to expire, and a soda tax.

– Tax increases requiring a 2/3rd vote: 1 “miscellaneous” tax, 11 sales taxes, and 39 proposals to either increase parcel taxes or extend parcel tax increases that were set to expire, and 1 soda tax.

We don’t know why the soda tax in Alameda only requires a majority vote, while the soda tax in San Francisco requires a 2/3rds… Read More

Jon Coupal


Given the horrible decisions recently being made by elected officials, why don’t we subject candidates for public office to a simple exam with the grades to be posted in the ballot pamphlet? Here are few questions that might be asked.

For those running for trustee in one of our over 1,000 school districts: “Given a choice of spending $14,000 on 200 new student textbooks or $14,000 on a top-of-the-line espresso machine, which would you choose?”

For those running for a seat in the… Read More

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