Falling Gas Prices Mask Hidden Tax
So why is it that while other states are now enjoying gas prices of less than $2 per gallon, California is still paying higher prices?
Due to high taxes and costly regulations, our state’s gas prices are higher than other states. It’s been that way for years.
But what’s new is that the gap between California’s and other states’ gas prices has grown.
To get a sense of the change, compare California gas prices with those of the nation as a whole. According to GasBuddy.com, even while overall prices have fallen, the gap has grown from about 32 cents per gallon just a month ago to as much as 47 cents this January.
That’s a 15 cent increase in just one month!
The likely culprit is a new “hidden gas tax” that took effect January 1. The new regulation expands the state’s cap-and-trade program to include transportation fuels. The expansion is the latest in a series of sweeping and costly regulations developed by the California Air Resources Board as it implements the California Global Warming Solutions Act.
Luckily for the Governor and his Air Board appointees, gas prices barely budged when the new rule kicked in; in fact,… Read More