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Scott Blackburn

Campaign Finance Law Gives Your Address to the North Koreans

[Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, we are pleased to present this column from Scott Blackburn.]

If you are new to the FlashReport, please check out the main site and the acclaimed FlashReport Weblog on California politics.

Sony Pictures was recently the victim of a cyber-attack thought to be the handiwork of the North Koreans. The communist nation was purportedly retaliating for an upcoming movie release in which actors James… Read More

Katy Grimes

LAUSD Board Attempting to Influence Farm Workers’ Fight Against UFW

Why would a Los Angeles Unified School District board member ask the board to influence a legal battle between a large Fresno fruit grower and the United Farm Workers labor union?

Rather than offer support to the Gerawan Farming companyworkersin their fight to oust the United Farm Workers labor union from their Fresno area farming employer, Steve Zimmer, a LAUSD 
Board Member
has authored a Resolution calling for… Read More

Edward Ring

Anaheim Teachers Union Faces A Gathering Storm

If you drive by Palm Lane Elementary School in Anaheim, California, nothing seems amiss. With modern buildings, partially surrounded by a park, the school seems like a tranquil refuge. Like so many settings in sunny Southern California, palm trees and sycamores compete for space on the spacious lawns, beckoning skyward, swaying in the warmth of a slight breeze. By appearances, Palm Lane seemsa perfect place to send your children to get an education.

Appearances can be deceiving. Palm Lane does not deliver educational excellence to its students, and it is the latest epicenter of an escalating war for control of California’s failing public schools.

Despite investing to create and maintain an impressive campus, academic achievement at Palm Lane has been sadly deficient. According to a report earlier this month in the Wall Street Journal,“In 2013 a mere 38% of students scored proficient or better on state standardized English tests and 53% in math. About 85% of its students are Latino and 60% aren’t native English speakers.”

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Rep. Ed Royce

Returning Health Care Choices to the Patient

Yesterday I voted to repeal Obamacare, a law that will inexorably lead to the takeover of our health care system by the federal government.

Just this past week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that Obamacare will cost taxpayers a net $1.35 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Where does the “affordable” in the “Affordable Care Act” come from?

The budget office also points out that 10 million workers will lose their employee-based insurance plans to Obamacare endorsed plans over the next 6 years, a tenfold increase… Read More

Katy Grimes

Ethically-Challenged EPA Pushes Regs Costing Billions, With Dubious Justification

The 2008 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ozone regulations were halted in 2011, and have not been implemented. Yet the EPA is planning to push forward even stricter smog rules, demonstrating that public hearings allowing public testimony are just window dressing.

The air we breathe today is the cleanest air since the Clean Air Act was passed in the 1970s. Despite this fact, the day before Thanksgiving, the EPA released its proposal to “strengthen” ground level ozone emissions known as smog.

Current EPA ozone regulations set the nationwide limit at 75 parts per billion. The EPA is considering lowering it to 60 parts per billion,making the… Read More

New Federal Smog Rules Harms the Economy While Providing No Health Benefit

[Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, we are pleased to present this column from Wayne Winegarden.]

If you are new to the FlashReport, please check out the main site and the acclaimedRead More

Richard Rider

Unemployment rate in California still 2nd worst in nation

Is California “back,” as the liberal press and our governor so proudly proclaim? No. Not hardly. Especially if you’re looking for work — or for a better job.

In November, California was tied for the 2nd highest/worst state unemployment rate. In December, we’ve got 2nd place all to ourselves at 7.0%. The December national unemployment rate was 5.6%. Only “Deliverance” Mississippi was worse. The national unemployment rate not including CA is 5.4%, making the CA unemployment rate 29.4% higher than the average of the other 49 states. — We were at 4.8% in Nov, 2006 – vs. national 4.6% Using the 2014 U-6 measure of unemployment (includes involuntary part-time workers), CA is just behind Nevada at 15.2% vs. national 12.0%. National U-6 not including CA is 11.6%, making CA’s U-6 31.4% higher than the average of the other 49 states.

Remember that in December,… Read More

Tab Berg

Hands up – Don’t Bother (with the facts)

“Hand ups, don’t shoot” is a meme used by professional protestors, celebrities, even NFL players during pre-game warm-up.

The problem is, it never happened.

Michael Brown didn’t put his hands up – he put his fists out. Brown attacked a police officer and then tried to take his gun.

“Justice for Michael” is equally inaccurate sloganeering. Michael Brown is no Medgar Evers. He’s not James Earl Chaney, Jimmy Lee Jackson, or even James Reeb. Brown wasn’t struck down struggling for civil rights or equality. He started a street fight with a cop.

Agitators chanting “No Justice, No Peace” have taken to mobbing restaurants, bullying diners with angry diatribes. Their stated goal – for participants who actually understand it – is to make the general public so fearful and uncomfortable they’ll support nebulous anti-law enforcement policies activists are demanding. There’s another name for this tactic.

No one is saying Brown deserved to die. But even Eric Holder’s… Read More

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