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Edward Ring

Senator Huff Fires Victim of Alleged Assault by Member of Teachers Union

[Publisher’s Note: We are pleased to feature this weekly column from Ed Ring. The opinions expressed are his. See Senator Bob Huff’s response to this column— Flash.]

What would you say to someone who displayed extraordinary courage and initiative to stand up for a law you wrote?

“You’re fired” is probably not the first thing that comes to mind, but that’s what happened to Arturo Garcia on January 29, after he stepped onto some very big toes. Garcia, a full time district representative for California StateSenator Bob Huffsince early 2013, had been assigned to work with parents and activists who want to save a failing elementary school in Anaheim.

Palm Lane Elementary School had been underperforming for twelve years. Frustrated parents went to the teachers, principal, school board and the district superintendent seeking change for their school to no avail. They learned about California’sParent TriggerRead More

Katy Grimes

The Climate According to CA Sen. Kevin de Leòn

Almost immediately following a hearing of the Environmental Protection Agency last week on upping authoritarian smog regulations, Democratic Senate President pro Tem Kevin de Leònannounced plans for “historic” climate change legislation, adding more regulations to force Californians to cut gas consumption — rather than legislation to help the state’s economy.

The goal is to cut up to 50 percent of gas consumption in California by 2030… rather than improve the state’s economy by up to 50 percent.

Clean Air

The air we breathe today in California is the cleanest since the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act was passed in the 1970s. Despite this fact, the day before Thanksgiving, the EPA released its proposal to “strengthen” ground level ozone emissions known as smog.

Current EPA ozone regulations set the nationwide limit at 75 parts per billion. The EPA is considering lowering it to 60 parts per billion,making theNational Ambient Air Quality Standardsfor… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Government Has More Than Enough of Your Dollars

After years of debt, deficits and budget cuts, it may come as a surprise to learn that our state government is flush with cash. But you wouldn’t know it by the talk of tax increases coming out of Sacramento.

First the facts:

California is outspending other states – As the Sacramento Bee’s Dan Walters recently reported, census data shows California state spending jumped 7.5% last fiscal year and is well above average when compared to other states. The Governor’s proposed budget is huge – In January, Governor Jerry Brown unveiled a $113 billion budget proposal—the largest ever in California state history. If there’s any criticism of the Governor’s budget so far, it’s that he is underestimating revenues. The Legislative Analyst’s Office recently reported that current fiscal year revenues alone will exceed the Governor’s forecast by $1 to $2 billion or more. California taxes are really, really high – Californians pay some of the highest income, sales and gas taxes in the nation. According to the Tax Foundation, many small businesses face top marginal tax rates … Read More

Jon Coupal


For the second time in as many weeks Californians got the news that Sacramento politicians are proposing yet another big tax hike. The truth is that new taxes would never be required were it not for Sacramento’s mismanagement of existing tax dollars.

Last week, it was the proposal to deal with the very real problem of “revenue volatility” in California’s tax structure with the very unreal “solution” of a $10 billion tax on services.

But the latest proposal comes from new Senate leader Toni Atkins who proposes a brand new tax on drivers to pay for highway and road repairs in California. This new “fee” would take $1.8 billion dollars out of the pockets of hard working California citizens over the next five years.

To read the entire column please click here More

Katy Grimes

Do Hispanics Thrive in Texas, and Not in California?

Is it true “Latinos remain hard to find on the councils of city and county governments throughout the state,” as Sacramento Bee columnist Marcus Breton says? Given that the California Legislature is fed by city and county governments, it is notable that the Legislative Latino Caucus has 22 members – all Democrats — out of 140 total California legislators. Even more notable, the Democrats won’t let the only Latino Republican, Assemblyman Rocky Chavez, join the caucus.

Rather than bemoan the numbers of Hispanics in government, Breton should have identified the real source of the problem: California.

Hispanics thrive more in Texas than in California. Why?

California and Texas stand for two completely different faces of the Hispanic experience in America

“Hispanics enjoy much better statistics across the board in the Lone Star State than in the Golden one,” according to Mike Gonzalez with the Heritage Foundation.… Read More

Richard Rider

City of San Diego fails to report most employee benefit costs — “too much trouble”?

“GIGO.” Garbage in, garbage out.

The city of San Diego lifeguards are probably the highest compensated in the state — but America’s Finest City has a policy of not reporting the full cost of benefits. Or even MOST of the costs. “Too much trouble,” apparently.

Looking at the highest CA lifeguard compensation figures in the article below, it appears to me that the only benefit cost my city includes is health insurance — nothing for pensions, 401k plan, disability insurance, life insurance, retiree health care, etc., etc. And let’s not overlook the unfunded liability cost (seldom reported) for employee pensions, retiree health care, disability, etc.

Look at the life guard “benefits” cost listed for the six top CA lifeguards: 1. Huntington Beach — $61,155 2. LA County — $37,917 3. San Diego — *** $9,845 *** 4. Huntington Beach — $59,800 5. LA County — $35,137 6. LA County — $41,310

While each CA jurisdiction is required to submit this employee compensation data annually, the devil is in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Conservatives To Watch In 2015: James Lacy

California has become a reliably blue state, unfortunately. It can now be counted on to produce Democrat elected officials in every office that requires a statewide vote. That having been said, the Golden State is so large that even though conservatives are in a minority here, there are still more of us here than just about anywhere else. California has a lot of influential players advancing conservative candidates and causes, and I thought that I would take the opportunity, through a series of postings, to highlight some of those that I think are making a difference. I can think of no better California conservative to highlight first than James Lacy.

I have known and toiled with… Read More

Richard Rider

Does CA need higher taxes because we don’t pay enough already? You decide.

Unstated in California Assemblywoman Toni Atkins’ proposed new annual $52 DMV driving “fee” for infrastructure is the bogus assumption that Californians pay too little taxes. False.


* CA has by FAR the highest state income tax rate.

* The highest state capital gains tax rate (2nd highest combined capital gains rate in the WORLD).

* The highest state sales tax rate.

* The highest gasoline and diesel taxes.

* The 10th highest homeowner property taxes.

* The 6th highest state corporate tax rate.

* The 2nd highest insurance premium sales tax rate (only 7 states even CHARGE such a tax).

* Traffic ticket “fees” that are over TRIPLE what other states charge.

CA state and local governments are AWASH in funds, but the Big Spenders willalwaysclaim that they need MORE. Tax dollars are fungible. By raising taxes for roads, that frees up EXISTING tax dollars to spent on… Read More

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