San Diego Chargers want to RAISE average ticket prices $100 a game
Here’s an interesting exercise in NFL economics. Some “sports economist” referenced in the otherwise excellent U-T article below (Gee, I wonder who funds his academic chair?) has projected that a new San Diego stadium will mean $50 million more annually for the Chargers.
Put aside for the moment the biased nature of this “study.” Suppose it’s true. RIDER QUESTIONS: Where does the $50 million come from?A. From increased stadium revenues that go to the Chargers.
Is the $50 million a “net to the Charger (and visiting NFL teams)” figure?
A. Apparently so.
Who ponies up the extra revenues?
A. Corporations renting sky boxes and fans buying tickets.
How many games a year?
A. 8 regular season games. It’s doubtful the new stadium… Read More