Much of of 2014 job improvement due to cutting unemployment benefits
Stunning discovery: When government stops paying people not to work, many then find jobs. Who knew?
Turns out that a definitive study shows that a MAJOR factor in the nation’s 2014 jobs recovery is the dramatic cutback in unemployment benefits. Here’s a short, readable article summarizing this insight, with links to the more detailed WALL ST JOURNAL article and the study itself.
Common Sense with Paul Jacob
Job Growth in 2014
President Barack Obama takes full credit for the job growth in 2014. Democrats on the Internet relentlessly push these growth rates with typically goofy superlatives like “highest ever” or “highest growth rate in decades.”
So, what did Obama and the Democrats do in 2013 and 2014 that led to the growth we saw last year?
Well, Obama refused to renegotiate with Republicans on any unemployment or budget reforms.
As 2013 ended, we heard Democrats complaining that stingy Republicans were… Read More