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Richard Rider

Much of of 2014 job improvement due to cutting unemployment benefits

Stunning discovery: When government stops paying people not to work, many then find jobs. Who knew?

Turns out that a definitive study shows that a MAJOR factor in the nation’s 2014 jobs recovery is the dramatic cutback in unemployment benefits. Here’s a short, readable article summarizing this insight, with links to the more detailed WALL ST JOURNAL article and the study itself. 
Common Sense with Paul Jacob

Job Growth in 2014

President Barack Obama takes full credit for the job growth in 2014. Democrats on the Internet relentlessly push these growth rates with typically goofy superlatives like “highest ever” or “highest growth rate in decades.”

So, what did Obama and the Democrats do in 2013 and 2014 that led to the growth we saw last year?

Well, Obama refused to renegotiate with Republicans on any unemployment or budget reforms.

As 2013 ended, we heard Democrats complaining that stingy Republicans were… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Response to Proposed Gas Tax Cut

On Tuesday, February 24 the State Board of Equalization will consider a proposed 7.5 cent per gallon tax cut.

A gas tax cut of this magnitude would be great news for California drivers, who are currently forced to pay one of the highest gas tax rates in the nation.

The proposed cut stems from falling gas prices and the resulting over collection of tax.

Annual rate changes are required under a confusing and complicated formula enacted by the Legislature in 2010 in order to move a billion dollars to the General Fund. Each year the Board of Equalization must adjust the gas tax rate to ensure the state receives neither more nor less revenue than it would have under the prior tax system.

I look forward to considering the proposed cut with my colleagues when the Board meets on Tuesday, February 24. We invite and welcome public feedback and participation.… Read More

Richard Rider

San Diego muni golf courses lose over $2 million annually

How can you lose money running a golf course when the land is “free” and you pay zero property tax? You’d think you’d charge enough to pay for the operational costs of such an endeavor. Not so, apparently — if you’re government.

Indeed, the city of San Diego’s annual $2 million municipal golf course operating deficit is understated, as the city doesn’t include the unfunded pension, disability and employee retirement healthcare liabilities in its budget or income statement. If the operations of these two golf courses were leased out like the OTHER seven city golf links, there would be no such unfunded liabilities — and no deficits. Indeed, it’s a stark example of why we should probably contract out damn near every government function.

Kudos to San Diego City Councilwoman Lorie Zapf​ for suggesting this already-successful contracting option for the remaining two government-run, deficit-producing golf courses.

Of course, my IDEAL solution would be for the city to SELL the golf courses for a huge influx of funds to pay off most of the city’s unfunded pension liabilities, but apparently… Read More

Katy Grimes

Scott Walker Strongly Leads GOP Presidential Candidates in New CA Poll

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker showed a strong lead in a new California statewide poll of 600 likely Republican voters.

Walker leads by a statistically significant 20 percent margin in California’s June 7, 2016 presidential primary election, in the poll conducted Feb. 8-9 by Landslide Communications.

The results were particularly interesting because California Republicans see parallels with Wisconsin over the influence of public employee unions and labor agreements.

The poll questions were prepared by Jim Lacy, Managing Partner of Landslide Communications, and author of Taxifornia.

In an interview Thursday with Lacy, he explained:

When matched with 15Read More

Brian Johnston

George Soros would like to fundamentally change America’s view of Life

[Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, I am pleased to present this column from Brian Johnston, Western Director of the National Right to Life Committee.– Flash] If you are new to the FlashReport, please check out the main site and the acclaimed FlashReport Weblog on California politics. Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Response to Ed Ring’s Column From Sen. Bob Huff’s Chief of Staff

[Publisher’s Note: The following entry is from Senator Huff’s Chief of Staff Junay Gardner. The opinions expressed are from Sen. Huff’s office. -Flash]

Senator Bob Huff co-authored the Parent Trigger bill that has given the parents at Palm Lane Elementary School in Anaheim the ability to demand classroom reforms for their kids. Despite numerous attempts by CTA members and supporters to prevent the process, it is happening.

Senator Huff sent a letter on Monday to Dr. Linda Wagner, Superintendent of the Anaheim City School District requesting an update on the signature verification process underway at Palm Lane Elementary.

A copy of that letter can be found here.

Senator Huff will continue to hold the Board and Superintendent of the Anaheim City School District accountable for following the Parent Trigger Law, as well as the Principal of Palm Lane Elementary School. He will continue to monitor the petition signature verification process closely. He has not backed… Read More

Katy Grimes

Suicide is Tragic to Many, But Preferable to CA Dem Lawmakers

Actor Robin Williams’ suicide is considered tragic and horrific. But many of the same people who expressed horror over Williams’ suicide say legally assisted suicide is acceptable, beneficial, and even “honorable.”

Rather than waiting for recently proposed assisted suicide legislation to work through the legislative committee process, a new lawsuit filed Wednesday asks the California Superior Court to find that physicians who provide a assisted suicide prescriptions should not be subject to criminal prosecution for assisting another to “commit suicide.”

The lawsuit wants the court to declare that patients facing the end of life have a “civil right” under the California State Constitution “to make their own decisions about their bodies.”

“If the lawsuit succeeds, terminally ill Californians, like Brittany Maynard, would not have to leave the state to receive legal aid in dying,” the press statement said. Filed by Californians with cancer, physicians, and a national nonprofit disability rights advocacy group, Disability Rights Legal Center, the lawsuit is attempting to “clarify the ability of mentally competent, terminally… Read More

Edward Ring

Senator Huff Fires Victim of Alleged Assault by Member of Teachers Union

[Publisher’s Note: We are pleased to feature this weekly column from Ed Ring. The opinions expressed are his. See Senator Bob Huff’s response to this column— Flash.]

What would you say to someone who displayed extraordinary courage and initiative to stand up for a law you wrote?

“You’re fired” is probably not the first thing that comes to mind, but that’s what happened to Arturo Garcia on January 29, after he stepped onto some very big toes. Garcia, a full time district representative for California StateSenator Bob Huffsince early 2013, had been assigned to work with parents and activists who want to save a failing elementary school in Anaheim.

Palm Lane Elementary School had been underperforming for twelve years. Frustrated parents went to the teachers, principal, school board and the district superintendent seeking change for their school to no avail. They learned about California’sParent TriggerRead More

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