I am a Transstatial
I felt it was time to come out. I know a lot of you suspected, I know there has been whispering behind my back, but I couldn’t come out when I was in the Legislature, people would not have accepted it. After the Legislature, it just didn’t seem that important, but now that there has been so much publicity around others, and I know there are a lot of people out there that feel like me, I thought, by coming out, I would give others the courage to do the same. I am a transstatial.
When I was young, I ran away from the my statial orientation. I engaged in statial stereotypes, uttered statial epithets. I mocked how they talked, how they dressed, how they looked, all the while envying that they were brave enough to be who they are, unlike me. I know now my statial prejudice was just a form of self loathing. I hid behind my statial profiling to hide my statial orientation. I was a tortured soul.
As I grew older, I became more comfortable with my orientation, I started coming out. Today, I am proud to tell people who I really am. I am a transstatial, that’s right, I am an Oklahoman in Californian’s body. Yes, I used to call them Okies or… Read More