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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Barry Jantz

San Diego better without the NFL? — It’s certainly better to be able to ask.

Local political watchers generally fall into two camps when it comes to the tenure of the immediate past ownership of the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Some believe Doug Manchester and John Lynch at the reins (or reign) was a refreshing return to the paper’s conservative roots, a philosophy that had been lost since the Helen Copley days. They also now fear what the SDUT’s political leanings are to become under new, liberal-leaning ownership.

Alternatively, others are glad to see the recent change, at least from a political if not geographical perspective. They strongly believe the paper under Manchester was too stridently conservative, pointing to its unabashed support for Carl DeMaio’s mayoral campaign in front page editorials as a prime example.

What strikes me as not fitting within the simplified context of those polarized views is one significant issue. Manchester and Lynch at the outset in late 2011 basically threw down the gauntlet when it comes to the need for a new football stadium in San Diego, saying the newspaper would be used as a mouthpiece… Read More

Katy Grimes

American Independence Is Relevant And Worth Fighting For

As a young child,I was fortunate to be able to live in Newport, Rhode Island, the firstBritish colony in America to formally declare its independence, and the first state toguarantee freedom of religion.

We lived a short time in a very old home in downtown Newport, which survived the Revolutionary War. Soldiers fought the Brits from the upstairs windows of our home, according to local lore.

Newport was rife with constant reminders of The American Revolution. I used to imagine what life was like in 1776 Newport, when the staterepealed its allegiance to King George III of England.

Reflecting upon Independence Day, it’s… Read More

Richard Rider

Texas per capita GDP now HIGHER than CA — liberal press will NOT report this!

As I’ve noted before, the progressives have latched on the fact that California is the 7th(or 8th) largest economy in the world. It’s a “so there” rebuttal, intended to prove that all the bad economic policies in our Golden State have had little or no negative effect. But of course, this grand assertion is accompanied by zero analysis.

I’ve ripped this this misleading fact apart before — adjusting our state’s GDP for population and COL in other states. But now we have new, updated GDP state figures (mid-2014) to consider:

Let’s just look at California vs. Texas for now:

Latest GDP: California — $2,287 trillion

Texas — $1.503 trillion.

But, of course, this ignores the difference in population. California has about 44% more people than Texas.… Read More

Richard Rider

Latest Texas stats prove that the 800,000+ concealed carry permit holders seldom murder anyone

Again and again we hear the usual laments from the uninformed gun haters about concealed carry — how it would transform — DOES transform — a civilized society into the Wild West. You know the mantra — shootouts at fender-benders, bars ablaze with gunfights, etc.

It’s always fun to inject a dose of reality into such gun haters — it’s toxic to their wellbeing. Here’s a sharp needle-full of facts for your favorite anti-gun friends.They never actually check the empirical results of people legally carrying firearms — that just arrogantlyassumethat they know what the results are.

The short article below highlights the URL-available stats about the ACTUAL experience of concealed carry in Texas. People pack heat with great frequency in the Lone Star State — about 4.26% of the adults haveRead More

Ernie Konnyu


[Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, we are pleased to present this column from former Congressman Ernie Konnyu.]

Love is the new American law standard…so says the Supreme Court by 5 to 4 vote led by Justice Kennedy. Forget the Christian values standard that was the basis of American laws for a couple of centuries. So what’s wrong with that?

Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his dissent to… Read More

Katy Grimes

Vaccine Bill: Political Scientists Don’t Get to Say ‘The Science is Clear’

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California lawmakers have trampled all over parental rights, andmanaged to take away even more parental choice regarding vaccinations for their children. By the way — political scientists aren’t real scientists, and don’t get to determine that the “science is clear” on vaccinations, the way so many politicians claim. That’s just arrogant politicians trying to end any discussion or debate by abusing the power of their offices in order to ward off potential regime change.

Both houses of the Legislature passed SB 277 by Sen. Richard Pan, and in record time, Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill into law Tuesday,removing parental rights while eliminating informed consent. “The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect children against a number of… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California’s Gas Tax Lowers Today

Good news: California’s excise tax on gasoline decreases today by six cents per gallon, from 36 cents to 30 cents per gallon.

The lower rate will help correct the over collection of tax brought about by lower gas prices. Essentially, taxpayers had given government an interest-free cash advance.

State law requires the Board of Equalization to annually adjust the state excise tax rate on gasoline by March 1 of each year. The Board approved the six cent tax rate reduction during its February 2015 meeting.

Unfortunately, this cut won’t fully offset the cost of the ‘hidden gas tax’ that went into effect this year to fund Governor Brown’s High Speed Rail project and other so-called anti-global warming efforts.

And even with the lower rate, Californians will continue to pay some of the highest gas taxes in the nation. According to the latest information from, California has one of the highest average gas prices in the nation.

The new 30 cent per gallon tax rate will remain in effect until June 30, 2016.… Read More

Edward Ring

Strike by Santa Clara County Workers Averted

Everyone should breathe a sigh of relief. Or should they?

Santa Clara County’s nurses,librarians, janitors, dispatchers, and assorted other workers belonging to SEIU Local 521 will not be going on strike after all. At least not yet. Late night negotiations have produced a deal that’s being sent back to the members.

The exact terms of this latest dealare not clear. But according to sources at the San Jose Mercury, the level of pay and benefits was only one of the issues being negotiated. Another key issue was work conditions – in particular, excessive overtime and excessiveworkloads.

The issue of pay and benefits is directly connected to the issue of overtime and workload, of course, because when employees are paid more than the budget can accommodate, it is impossible to hire more employees. Here is a look at how much key members of this union are making:

Santa Clara County Public Employees Average Total Compensation by Select Job Title, 2013 Read More

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