The new “Jarvis” CA legislator report card is out. No improvement.
The annual Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association [California State] Legislative Report Card report is out. The ratings are based on tax votes, with an emphasis regarding attacks on Prop 13.
As one would expect, since most of our legislators are Democrats, the majority of our legislators rate an “F” ranking on taxes. The table of information can be sorted interactively in each category (I’m easily entertained). http://www.hjta.org/legislation/report-cards/
1.When people opine that there’s no difference between the two parties regarding tax and spend issues, they should really be referring to Congress — not the state legislatures (at least the two state legislatures of California). When it comes to tax issues, the difference between the two parties in the Golden State could not be more dramatic. With a handful of exceptions, GOP representatives are doing a very good togreatjob holding the line on taxes and spending. From the… Read More