Most of latest annual CA population increase is due to people living longer
The latest one year California population figures have been published (through 1 July, 2015). Some trends and facts are worth noting. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/dec/16/californias-population-grows-to-nearly-391-million/
California’s population is now about 39,100,000 million, an increase of 350,000 people — about a 0.9% increase for the 12 months.
The number of births was 507,000. We peaked at about 612,000 births in 1990, and have been gradually trending downward ever since — a trend all the more notable given that our state population was a tad under 30,000,000 in 1990. http://www.dof.ca.gov/research/demographic/reports/projections/births/documents/2014BirthProj-Final.xlsx
The number of deaths (all ages) in that time period totaled 245,000. Given that the CA deaths in 2005 totaled 236,220, it appears that, even with an aging population, our death rate has slowed… Read More