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Jason Cabel Roe

Things to thank the Main Street Partnership for…

Tuesday’s special election for the 48th Congressional District was decided more by interlopers than the voters of the 48th CD. The East Coast-based Main Street Partnership decided that the candidate endorsed by moderate Republican Governor Arnold Swartzenegger and the California Republican Party…not to mention many members of the California congressional delegation, was not good enough so they spent a few hundred thousand dollars attacking the lead GOP candidate. Here’s the list of things we can thank Main Street for:

Bringing Marilyn Brewer up to 16% from 10% Taking John Campbell down from 50+1% to 46% Putting this seat on the radar for Democrats Forcing Orange County taxpayers to pay for, and endure, a 3rd election in 3 months Keeping the slim House Republican majority one vote slimmer Wasting hundreds of thousands of Republican dollars by forcing a run-off, not to mention, the money they wasted leading up to Tuesday Giving John & Ken a forum (and … Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

It’s a Baseball Thing (Go Angels)

Ican’t believe it’s only my second posting and I’m writing about sports already.

Well, I’m on my way to the game in a few minutes, so here goes.

I know this is hard to believe, but I may have misheard a broadcast (or maybe I correctly heard a misleading broadcast) on L.A. radio yesterday that said Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle had lifted his season-long “boycott” of Angels baseball games in time for today’s opening game of the American League Division Series against the hated New York Yankees.

Before that rumor goes any further, let me clarify what I believe to be Pringle’s actual position: The Mayor will host the Boys and Girls Clubs of Anaheim at today’s game as a charity event. Pringle has said his choice not to attend regular-season games was not actually a boycott, as some people have described it. The Mayor’s choice to attend post-season games will be considered on a game-by-game basis, with special consideration given to benefit selected charities.

I feel better knowing all of that, although I had been impressed by Pringle’s principled stand – You… Read More

Results: 48th CD

Go to the Orange County Registrar of Voters for the latest results.

[Due to the Jewish holiday Adam will not be posting until late Wednesday night. This posting was scheduled in advanceto appear at this time.]… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Campell Wins Primary, Short of 50%+1

Here are the final returns from today’s Special Election in Congressional District 48…

Brewer fizzled for sure, Gilchrist really didn’t pick up steam, and Dems stayed home…

With all 268 precincts reporting:

JOHN CAMPBELL (R) 36,640 46.0% MARILYN C. BREWER (R) 13,272 16.7% JIM GILCHRIST (AI) 11,490 14.4% STEVE YOUNG (D) 7,110 8.9% JOHN GRAHAM (D) 3,242

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Jon Fleischman

Bennett to drop in on Bakersfield

This is the leading story from my daily commentary today. Click here to read it all…

Is Bakersield ready?? Controversy swirled a bit in the news last week when former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett, a frequent columnist and ‘talking head’ on news program said:

“But I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose — you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down,” Bennett said. “That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down.”

Bennett made these comments in the context of a debate that he was having on television. He defended his remarks in this… Read More

Jon Fleischman

KABC POLL SHOWS 74, 75, 76, 77 Ahead

THERE’S A NEW SURVEY OUT….I am not high on surveys, but then, it turns out, neither is Schwarzenegger Chief Strategist Mike Murphy. On the Join Arnold blog, there is a great post from Murphy talking about the release of a new KABC POLL which shows ALL FOUR of the Governor’s reform measures AHEAD…

Here’s the bottom line:

The poll was taken 9/30 to 10/2. (You can also go to the actuall poll here)

Prop 74. Yes 55%, No 44%.

Prop 75. Yes 60%, No 37%

Prop 76. Yes 58%, No 36%

Prop 77. Yes 59%, No 36%

Murphy says:

"Today’s post is about a brand new poll out tonight on KABC-TV and KPIX-TV. Warning: Lots of science and propellor head data stuff here, but it is allRead More

Jon Fleischman

William Bennett comes to Bakersfield

Is Bakersield ready?? Controversy swirled a bit in the news last week when former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett, a frequent columnist and ‘talking head’ on news program said:

“But I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose — you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down,” Bennett said. “That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down.”

Bennett made these comments in the context of a debate that he was having on television. He defended his remarks in this Washington Post story.

The Bakersfield Californian is making a big deal out of his arriving into the sleepy town of oil derricks and Bill Thomas’… Read More

Duane Dichiara

San Diego Mayoral Race

In the 1990’s, voter registration trends, the rise of public employee unions, and internal party conflicts played havoc with the traditional lock Republicans had on San Diego City Hall. By 2003 only two of the city’s eight council seats and the mayor’s office were held by by the GOP. With the resignation of Republican Mayor Dick Murphy in 2005 and the “strong mayor” system of city government enacted by initiative starting in 2006 the public employee unions and Democrats believe the time is ripe for the election of Donna Frye, a liberal Democrat. But the fortunes of the GOP in the City of San Diego are not as low as they might appear at first glance. First, four of the city’s eight council seats are actually naturally Republican – Democrats are holding two seats that will probably move into the Republican column when term limits kick in for the sitting incumbents. The losses occurred in the period after the rise of the public employee unions and before the awakening and reorganization of the local business community and the San Diego Republican Party. Second, while the GOP does not have the registration edge it once enjoyed, self… Read More

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