Stephen Bing?
THE MAN WHO WROTE A $4 MILLION CHECK TO STOP FAIR DISTRICTS… How did Hollywood Producer Stephen Bing make his money? Well, you might assume that he spent decades working to climb the Hollywood ladder, working as a waiter or a deliver boy as he struggled to learn the craft of producing movies. Alas, poor Stephen made his money the old fashioned way — he inherited it! When his grandfather, Leo Bing, an accomplished New York real estate mogul, passed away, all of the Bings were able to share in the divvying up of his reputed $600 million fortune. He has certainly parleyed that and now, according to Forbes, is personally worth upwards of three-quarters of a billion dollars.
Bing has a history of generosity for liberal causes – he was a key financier for former President Clinton and his schemes. Bing wrote a check for a million bucks to help finance a Democrat National Convention, and he ponied up another cool million to fight a tax repeal… Read More