Stick A Fork in Her She’s Fryed
Already flagging in every legitimate poll, San Diego Democrat Mayoral candidate Donna Frye recently advanced a bold new policy proposal that probably put the finishing touches on her campaign: raise sales taxes $1.1 billion over the next ten years to pay for the pensions of city employees. Increasing taxes to pay for the pensions of city workers or make up for the other grotesque overspending, wasteful habits of City Hall have been polled time and time again as the touch of death.
To steal amusing quotes from a recent Union Tribune editorial that excoriated Frye Pontius Pilate style:
"Would you vote to raise your taxes by a whopping $1.1 billion over the next 10 years to pay for the bloated pensions of city workers?"
"Mayoral contender Donna Frye not only thinks you should, but that you will"
"This is precisely the measure demanded by the city’s politically powerful public employee unions"
"Councilwoman Frye’s proposal to raise taxes on a massive scale as a first resort is fiscally imprudent and… Read More