Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Oct 15, 2005 Comments Off on Nunes steps up – Yes on 77
You may turn on your television set and see an ad in support of
Redistricting. "Who is that man, you might say, that
definately is NOT Arnold Schwarzenegger?"
If that is the case, you likely live in the Central Valley,
where your local Congressman, Devin Nunes, has started running his
own Yes on Proposition 77 commercials.
Kudos to Nunes both for stepping up to the plate and supporting
the measure, and for going the extra mile to create TV
Lately, there has been a lot of disappointment from grassroots
Republican activists and donors, who cannot believe that over half
of the California GOP delegation has either come out against 77, or
is cowering behind their office doors, refusing to take a
It doesn’t take too much of a look back in history to see that
right after the last census, when it was time for reapportionment,
all of the legislators in Sacramento (encouraged by some in our
Congressional delegation) signed off on what has been called an
‘incumbent protection… Read More