Non-Partisanship, Or Not
For many years, the League of Women Voters sponsored debates for statewide office in California. The fact that those debates are now sponsored by other organizations is a direct result of the widespread belief among Republicans that the League long ago forfeited its claim to non-partisan status because of the increasingly one-sided partisan activity of its members. To their credit, some of the League’s leaders have begun the process of trying to move their organization back. But they’ve got a big job ahead of them.
Last year, I gave a speech to the League on the question of money in politics. Although I was identified as a Republican, I made it clear at the outset that I had not come to the group with a partisan agenda. I talked about fundraising, campaign spending and about the declining interest in politics and government among young voters. On my way out, one of the members stopped me to thank me for my speech. “I was very upset when I heard a Republican had been invited to speak and I was going to boycott the lunch. But you’re not like the rest of them.”
The woman probably thought she was giving me a compliment.… Read More