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Jon Fleischman

Migden gives up her Gavel…for now!

Anthony York over at Capitol Weekly is reporting this afternoon that State Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Carole Migden is ‘temporarily’ stepping aside from her influencial post. Her stated reason, according to this piece by York, is to get more involved with the Westly for Governor Campaign.

The real question is whether Westly wants her that involved. You see, Migden is notorious for her inability to hold on to key staff members — she just isn’t a kind boss. Well, we’ll see how this all shakes out.

Of course, everyone remembers this now-infamous controversy when Migden reached over and cast an "AYE" vote (my button) of a GOP Assemblymember.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bob Novak’s Predictions…

Bob Novak’s Weekly Political Report has a section today where he makes his predictions on Ballot Measure Mania across America…

Here is what he has to say:

California: The special recall election that brought Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) to power in 2003 was the clearest demonstration to date that all public polling in California is basically worthless. Polls on Schwarzenegger’s slate of ballot propositions yield such wildly different results — one proposition approaches two-thirds support in one poll and fails miserably in others — that we will ignore them completely. We anticipate, first of all, that non-partisan redistricting (Prop 77) and state spending caps (… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Hollywood Fantasies of Sorkin and Reiner…

Bening, Alda, Beatty, Dreyfuss, Douglas, Sheen, Sorkin and Meathead…in Fantasyland Yesterday afternoon, I had the fortune to see Annette Bening. I was leaving the Governor’s Anaheim Hills rally (read about that here and here) and holding court outside was the CTA bus, captained by Union-Thug-In-Chief Barbara Kerr. Aboard the "S.S. Dues Extraction" (my name for their bus) was also the Hollywood dynamic duo, Annette Bening and her ersatz-politican husband, Warren Beatty.

It was only later that I connected some very odd dots (this post demonstrates the strange way that my mind works). I recalled when… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Connect the dots…Alda and Bening to Reiner

This morning in my Commentary, you can take a few minutes to read how my opportunity to see Annette Benning and Warren Beatty yesterday, and reading an article about Alan Alda (well, his West Wing character), took me on an fun trip through Hollywood, and some amazingly liberal entertainment types and their donation histories and more…

See this Commentary here. Also, remember that EVERY DAY, I post a Commentary on this site, that is separate from this blog. It is easily accessable from the main page.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Election Night Coverage

I will be working election night on Newstalk 580, KMJ from 8:00 pm until we find out the definitive results for all the major ballot initiative. Former Democrat Congressman Rick Lehman will be opposite me on this highly rated, Fresno based program. Newstalk 580 reaches from Red Bluff to the North out to Bakersfield and Santa Maria on the Central Coast. Although I hope the contrary is true, Tuesday could be a long night for the conservative team in California, and could also be the start of some important new strategies to consider against the evil empire in California, namely the public employee unions and their wholly owned subsidiary, California Democrats, Inc. Stay tuned.… Read More

OC Election Night Party

If you are in Orange County Tuesday night and want to party down with fellow Republicans, come to the Republican Party of Orange County Election Night Party at the OC GOP HQ.

The party is for Republican volunteers and activists and donors–people who actually did something this election cycle. Hopefully, actually walked a precinct or at least wrote a check to the party or one of the initiatives. There is no litmus test, but if you just show up to events like this and never do any of the heavy lifting (and you know who you are) it shows.

WHAT: OC GOP Election Night Party

WHEN: Tuesday, November 8 8pm – Midnight

WHERE: Republican Party HQ 1800 W Katalla Avenune – Suite 210 … Read More

Solorio goes to Sacramento, maybe

Santa Ana Councilman Jose Solorio recently announced his intension to run for the 69th Assembly District at the Laborers’ Union Hall. His campaign says they raised $50,000 that night. His council campaign was able to transfer another $50,000 into the Assembly account putting Solorio over the 100k make.

Solorio sent out a release today including the statement that "…the people will win and Schwarzenegger will lose!" in Tuesday’s election. If you hadn’t known or guessed, the 69th is a solidly Dem seat (for now) held by Tom Umberg.

Solorio, a well liked elected official, serves as his city’s representative on the Orange County Water District and works full-time for the Orange County Transportation Authority. Solorio’s Latino background is a plus in the district, but doesn’t guarantee anything (white-bread Umberg beat Claudia… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Week in Review

Here at the last week’s Commentaries:

Saturday: Union thugs, whipped up my Speaker, attack woman! Click here.

Sunday: Firestone & Sebastiani: Nothing in common but a love for wine… Click here.

Monday: Mother’s Milk: Inside look at Fundraising. Click here.

Tuesday: Debunking the Field Poll. Armey on 77. Click… Read More

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