Rampell Strikes Again
As a rule, columnists generally do not like to riff on other people’s product but rather create one’s own. Sometimes one is just forced to do so because of the message put out by others that have a significant position in the journalistic world. Those people do a disservice by providing misleading information on a subject with which you are well versed, and they must be countered. Catherine Rampell is a staff opinion writer for the Washington Post who is syndicated. She has the same economic background as Jared Bernstein who has been a spokesperson for President Biden and now is the nominee for Chair of Council of Economic Advisers – that is none. Her degree from Princeton was in Anthropology. I don’t know why she is considered an economics “expert.” I don’t know whether she has read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith or Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Freedom. Yet she regularly opines on financial subjects and this time she has hit on the IRS and whether we are overtaxed. In her column, Sorry Democrats You Cannot Pay for Everything by Soaking the Rich… Read More