(a)Live from Liberia
Well, I’m back from 10 days of limited electricity and no hot water as an international election observer in malaria-infected Liberia. On October 11, Liberia had their first presidential election since the ousting of President Charles Taylor, the former rebel that staged a coup d’etat of former President Samuel Doe…followed by Doe’s mutilation, torture, and murder. The U.S. and other African leaders demanded Taylor’s resignation in 2003 and he now resides in luxurious exile in Nigeria (where I observed the 2003 presidential elections).
None of the 22 candidates standing for election on October 11 received 50% of the vote and while California voters were considering a slew of initiatives, Liberians were choosing between an illiterate former soccer star and a highly-educated longtime public servant. Which brings me to this writing. I really didn’t think I could find a way to make… Read More