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Jon Fleischman

Issa: “I am not supporting Uke, or any other candidate…

Issa for Congress

For Immediate Release Thursday, November 17, 2005 Contact: Frederick Hill Email: CONGRESSMAN ISSA CORRECTS FALSE NEWS REPORT ABOUT 50th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Darrell Issa today made the following statement in response to a false and misleading report in the Washington, DC, publication ‘The Hill’ that he has thrown his support behind 50th Congressional District candidate Alan Uke: “I am not supporting or aiding Alan Uke,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Reporters who lie, Schiff double standard, Schrag on bonds, Sowell.

Here is a brief roundup of some top stories featured in the FlashReport worthy of a read:

BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN Kudos to the Californian for firing a reporter who falsified an amazing amount of material. Today, the Californian published a front-page story revealing the results of an in-depthy investigation that went back over all of the nearly 100 stories writen by their former employee. Unbelievable, but true. PETER SCHRAG IN THE SACRAMENTO BEE I often disagree with Schrag – many of his columns end with a call for higher taxes. Hey, this one does, too. But it is worthy of a read. Like me, Schrag ponders how California can afford to pay for an additional $50,000,000,000.00 (that is 50 BILLION) in bonds (let alone the rumored $100 BIL amount). According to Schrag, the payments on the notes alone would more than double California’s current structural deficit.… Read More

Mike Spence

All Saints Church: Reaping what they’ve Sown

The saga of All Saints Church in Pasadena continues. Jon Fleischman comments briefly on the item in his commentary. You can find it here. You can read the AP story on Congressman Schiff’s letter to the IRS demanding an answer to the investigation here.

To get a taste of the flavor of All Saints Church. Think of a place where homosexual marriage and abortion on demand areawaiting everyone in heavenand anything done with the militray is evil, unless it recruits gays.

According to one former member who wrote a letter to a local paper. Mommy and me classes were used to promote anti-war causes. See the letter here.It is an icon in Pasadena liberal circles. The Pasadena Weekly did a story on the church. You can see it here.

The bottom line is All Saints Church is reaping the seedsthey’ve sown. The leftist… Read More

Mike Spence

David Dreier: Talent Agent?

Congressman Dreier has many talents. As Chair of the powerful Rules committee and frequent TV and radio guest, heis well known in political circles. Some don’t know that he frequently has courted Hollywood. There was a rumor a couple years ago thathe was a candidate to become head of theMPAA. It went to former Congressman Glickman instead.

Roll Call has a fascinating look at the night two years ago, whenRepublicans in DCsold out taxpayers by passing a Medicare Prescription drug bill that will cost us billions upon billions of dollars. You can read it here. It is a good read by the way.

One tidbit focuses on Dreier’s attempts toget Rep. Nick Smith to vote "yes".

"A Republican staffer told the ethics panel that Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-Calif.) offered to find Smith’s daughter a job as an actress in Hollywood. Dreier denied making such a promise."

Nothing came from the accusation. Dreier denied it and Smith later wouldn’t talk about… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Fur Flies In Fresno

The Fresno Zoo, once a treasure in the community, is now leading the news on a daily basis around here. Talk shows are overheated with opinions, local TV news is leading with the story, and tempers are flaring. You see, for years and years and years the Fresno Zoo (known as the Chafee Zoo locally), has been run by the City of Fresno. As such, and in common with most enterprises run by government, this has resulted in millions of dollars in deferred maintenance, an institutional culture of mediocrity, financial problems and finally, a very poor Zoo.

In 2004 a local measure was qualified for the ballot, Measure Z, which would increase sales taxes in the County and direct the money to the Zoo, under a new organizational structure. Expected to provide over $100 million in funding over eight years, the Zoo would presumably be upgraded and operated more efficiently, thus becoming a centerpiece of learning and entertainment in the region. Measure Z passed overwhelmingly, facing no real opposition (the Lincoln Club quietly recommended a "No"… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bonds = Borrowing = Annual Payments… Right?

MY CALCULATOR DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH DIGITS $100,000,000,000.00 (I think that is a $100 Billion). This is the figure I have heard bantered around for a massive ‘infrastructure’ bond measure for California. I need help from some financial experts now. My understanding is that a bond is, in essence, a loan. We float bonds out there for immediate cash. Then, like with any other kind of loan, we make incremental payments on the loan over a period of time (like with a home loan, you typical spread the payments over 30 years). Of course, the interest on the loan adds up considerably, so that by the time you have paid off the principle borrowed (in this case, supposedly that "MEGO" – My Eyes Glaze Over – number above) you also have paid out a huge amount in interest as well. I have no clue what the annual payments would be on an additional $100 billion in bonded indebtedness would be for California taxpayers.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Who IS traveling with the Gov?

Props to Carla Marinucci, a very capable political reporter over at the San Francisco Chronicle. While I don’t agree with Carla on all things, I love her reporting.

I took a trip over to the San Francisco Chronicle Elections 2005 blog, and she has sent in a post from China, where she is traveling with the Governor. The best thing about the SFC’s Blog is that it is a forum for their reporters to pass along the kind of information that would bore the average newspaper readering (diminishing as they are), but is of real interest to we political hacks.

While the big stories that ‘everyone’ wants to read are about the reception the Governor and Maria are receiving, the content of the various gubernatorial guests, or even the VIPs with whom the Governor and First Lady will meet — count on Carla to give us the run down on who is traveling with the Gov. from his government and political staff!

Check… Read More

48th CD Mail Watch

The Campbell campaign (Gilliard Blanning Wysocki & Assoc.) created a very impactful mail piece that hit mail boxes today.

It simply highlighs American Independent candidate Jim Gilchrist’s own words. Generally when you see a consultant use the words of an opponent against them it can be assumed that they are taking them out of context or that the opponent said these things a long time ago. That is not the case here. Gilchrist is so over his head in this campaign for U. S. Congress, that he sticks his foot in his mouth every time he goes on record.


"I don’t like these capitalist pigs." According to the mailer this is quote he gave to the OC Weekly, in Feb. 2005. I don’t care what the context is on this one. The 48th CD has more ‘capitalist pigs’ than just about any Congressional District in the country. Not a smart think to say.

"I’m for taxing the ultra-rich more" "Estate tax? Bring that thingRead More