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Jon Fleischman

Governor: Empower Your GOP Legislators

As the Governor travels back from China, and spends the Thanksgiving Holiday with his family, I am sure that he will do a lot of reflecting on the Special Election results and what they mean for California — and for his own policy and political goals.

In light of this, I have penned an open letter to Governor Schwarzenegger which appears in Capitol Weekly today. The basic premise is this: Empower the GOP caucuses to assist you in dealing with the Democrat-controlled legislature. How would he do this? By announcing that he will not sign any bill that comes across his desk unless it got their with at least a majority vote of the Republicans in both the State Senate and the State Assembly. This would immediate provide relevance to our Republican legislators who have been seemingly relegated to ‘bystander status’ as Perata, Nunes and the Dems have preferred to do work without meaningful input from the Republicans in the legislature.

Here is the beginning of my column:… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Issa: “I am not supporting Uke, or any other candidate…

Issa for Congress

For Immediate Release Thursday, November 17, 2005 Contact: Frederick Hill Email: CONGRESSMAN ISSA CORRECTS FALSE NEWS REPORT ABOUT 50th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Darrell Issa today made the following statement in response to a false and misleading report in the Washington, DC, publication ‘The Hill’ that he has thrown his support behind 50th Congressional District candidate Alan Uke: “I am not supporting or aiding Alan Uke,… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

We don’t need state-sponsored preschool

Rob Reiner was in the Bay Area today promoting his latest nanny government initiative, Preschool for All. According to the Oakland Tribune, he is scheduled to submit 1 million signatures today to put his initiative on the June 2006 ballot. The initiative proposes to increase the income tax of individual making more than $400,000 a year, and couples making $800,000 a year, by 1.7 percent.

Reiner fielded questions about his proposal on the Ronn Owens show, a top-rated moderate radio talk show host here in the Bay Area. While I will admit to having a knee-jerk reaction to any political that comes out of Reiner’s mouth, it was interesting to hear him try to sell his universal pre-school ideas—particularly, when the calls coming in were predominantly against him.

Read More

Mike Spence

LA DA Steve Cooley vs. Tookie Williams

Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley is one tough guy. Now in the midst of Hollywood’s and the Nation of Islam’s campaign to spare the life of Crips gang founder Stanley "Tookie" Williams, Cooley has issued a 57 page response to suggestions that "Tookie" is as innocent as a little lamb.

Graphic details about the four murders he was convicted of, the witnesses, the evidence etc… Much better than Law & Order. At the same time a chilling look at some who doesn’t deserve clemency.

You can read the whole report by clicking here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Congressman Tom Feeney (FL) – Patriot and Great American

It’s funny, but those with whom I have been close have heard me saying that Tom Feeney has been my favorite Republican Member of Congress since before he was even elected in 2002. Trust me, it is a total (and very cool) coincidence that Congressman Feeney hired my good friend Jason Roe to be his Chief of Staff! Of course, now Jason is the Washington, D.C., correspondent for the FlashReport, very funny. Anyways, back to Tom Feeney. Back in 1994, Jeb Bush, then the GOP nominee for Governor of Florida, tapped Orlando area attorney Tom Feeney to be his Lieutenant Governor running mate. (In Florida, like at the national level, the candidates for the top two executive positions run as a slate – a great idea which, like with so many other things, needs to be fixed here in California where the Governor and LG can be, often are, and currently are political adversaries instead of… Read More

Barry Jantz

Bringing Back Christmas in San Diego

“Christmas on the Prado” has for years been a tradition for thousands in San Diego.Held over two nights in a beautiful section of the city’s famed Balboa Park, for a quarter centurythe event exemplified the Christmas season for many – a way to fully get into the spirit, with carols, strolling minstrels, chestnuts-a-roastin’ and a nativity scene, all held in as “crisp” an environment as possible, given San Diego’s usually warm climate. It may still exemplify those things for some, as long as they don’t mind the new title:“December Nights.”

I know, you’ve definitely heard this one before, or perhaps a variation of it in a city near you. Yes – you guessed it – in a move towards … Read More

Duane Dichiara

Michelle Steel – San Diego

I attended an event for 5th District Board of Equalization candidate Michelle Steel this evening at Fats in the Little Italy district of downtown San Diego (that’s right, its down here too). The room was packed, and it looked like paying customers who were doubling down. Frankly, I thought that a BOE finance event would be a little more like a morgue, filled with staff looking for free shrimp, than what I found. It also sounded like she had a very aggressive finance schedule, which would not surprise me given the energy level and total commitment of her husband Shawn. I had never heard Michelle speak before, and I was impressed with her humor, poise, and grasp of political realities.

Perhaps more important – and this may have already been noted in the blog – I learned that Supervisor and San Bernardino County GOP Chairman Bill Postmus had endorsed Steel a couple weeks ago. Meaning: Postmus delivers, in spades, votes and campaign contributions. He’s on the short list of Southern California endorsements that actually matter.… Read More

Jason Cabel Roe

Grab Bag II

Earache. Earlier today, the Labor-HHS Appropriations Act, the spending bill that funds the Labor Department and Health & Human Services Department went down in a stunning defeat 224-209. The reason, Republican leaders stripped all "earmarks." Every Democrat and 22 Republicans voted NO…cause they want their pork. See the Roll Call and find out how your member of Congress voted.

Morrow. Senator Bill Morrow continues to staff up in preparation for his run for the 50th Congressional District seat currently held by Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. Cynthia Determan, a native of Oceanside, has joined Morrow’s office to handle press and coalitions. Determan comes most immediately from Red Gate Communications, a Studio City-based public affairs firm founded by Fionna Hutton. Determan isa graduate of UCLA and handled press… Read More