My legislator beat your legislator
Here is how Orange County’s legislators stack up as rated by the various Sacramento interests groups. A special thanks to Chuck DeVore for compiling these results and for being a conservative superstar. Mimi, way to go!
California Chamber of Commerce Ratings – this is a basic measure of how pro-business a lawmaker is, defined here as against higher taxes and more regulations. A higher percentage should be considered an indication of votes for free-enterprise.
State Assembly R- Bob Huff: 100% R- Chuck DeVore: 100% R- Mimi Walters: 100% R- Lynn Daucher: 92% R- Todd Spitzer: 92% R- Van Tran: 92% R- Tom Harman: 91% D- Tom Umberg: 33% D- Rudy Bermudez: 17%… Read More