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Ron Nehring

Cruz for President Announces California Leadership Team

Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher and Tom McClintock, Assemblymembers Matthew Harper and Shannon Grove, former California Republican Chairman Michael Schroeder, former legislator Ray Haynes and legal scholar John Eastman join in backing Cruz

HOUSTON, Texas – Presidential candidate Ted Cruz today named 118 members of his California Leadership Team.

“We have assembled a powerful team in California from the Oregon border to San Diego, and from the Pacific to the Sierra Nevada and I’m thankful for Ron Nehring’s leadership of these courageous conservatives,” said Cruz. “They have the commitment, experience, and insight to win and I look forward to working with them towards victory.”

Former California Republican Party Chairman Michael Schroeder and former California legislator Ray Haynes will serve as California Co-Chairs of the Ted Cruz for President campaign. The campaign additionally announced the endorsements of Assemblymembers Shannon Grove of Bakersfield and Matthew Harper of Orange County together with former Chapman University Law… Read More

Katy Grimes

Judge Orders ALRB To Release Documents to Gerawan Farming

There’s more good news for Gerawan Farming! Superior CourtJudge Timothy Frawley finds that the Agricultural Labor Relations Board IS subject to the California Public Records Act.

For several yearsI’ve been writing about Gerawan Farming in Fresno, and the company’s gutsy refusal to cave under the pressure of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board’s denial of farmworkers’ rights to vote for or against unionization.

Gerawan recently was granted a significant win by Sacramento Superior Court Judge Timothy Frawley, who agreed to the Gerawan’s request for documents in an unfair labor practice… Read More

Jon Coupal


Notwithstanding California’s leftward drift, Prop 13 remains remarkably popular. Indeed, polling suggests that if Prop 13 were on the ballot today, it would pass by about the same two-thirds margin that it did in 1978. But the enduring embrace of this landmark measure by California homeowners is a huge irritant to those who want ever more taxpayer dollars.

For 37 years, detractors have made a parlor game of criticizing Prop 13. Our favorite is blaming Prop 13 for the acquittal of O.J. Simpson. The latest salvo is that Prop 13 is to blame, at least in part, for California’s housing crisis.

A recent study by Chris Thornberg, head of Beacon Economics, reviews the depth of the crisis and attempts to identify its causes. There is a lot of compelling data in the study which amply demonstrates how severe the crisis is. He points out that 53 percent of households earning between $35,000 and $75,000 per year spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent, while nationally, only 31 percent find themselves in this predicament. For homeowners, the figure is even worse, with more than two-thirds spending more than 30 percent of their income on mortgage… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

My Response to the Governor’s State of the State

I share the governor’s optimism when it comes to California’s future. Our state has a diverse economy, a strong commitment to education and more than enough revenue to fully fund roads, schools and water storage without raising taxes.

As the governor himself warns, we must continue to exercise fiscal prudence. The true test of his leadership will be whether he can hold the line on spending against the tax-and-spend liberal legislators of his own party.

Instead of raising taxes, our focus should be on providing greater value for Californians by improving quality of life and by seeking solutions that make this state a more affordable place to live and work.… Read More

Katy Grimes

‘Black Lives Matter’ Hijacks Sacto MLK Parade; Media Ignores

As the Black Lives Matter protest in the San Francisco Bay Area on Martin Luther King Day blocked traffic on the Bay Bridge backing commuters up for nearly 45 minutes, Sacramento had its own Martin Luther King Day Parade hijacked.

The annual MLK Parade passes by my house, and through my downtown neighborhood every year. This year, a very large group marching behind the high school marching bands loudly chanted, “Hands up, Don’t shoot.” Led by a woman on a megaphone, they also chanted, “Black lives matter,” and “Hey hey, ho… Read More

Ray Haynes

Time To Identify The Real Thieves

I was driving to Arizona not long ago, and needed to buy gasoline. I, for the most part, don’t pay close attention to prices at gas stations, since there are so many of them that, usually, market forces keep prices relatively competitive from gas station to gas station. It is rare to find a few pennies difference between gas stations.

Only this time, I crossed the Colorado River and entered Arizona. I had filled up in California that day, and paid $2.799 per gallon at the gas station near my home. I drove around Riverside County a while for that day, to the point where I had to fill up, literally just across the border in a little town called Ehrenberg, Az, which is less than a mile from Blythe, Ca. Here is the amazing fact, gasoline in Ehrenberg, at the gas station at which I stopped, was $2.0499 per gallon, 75 cents less than the exact same gasoline literally just across the border in Blythe. That 1 mile difference saved me over $10.00 when I filled up my gas tank. I only noticed because the cost difference was so dramatic.

I then started paying attention to the gas prices along the freeway in Arizona, and saw that the further I got into Arizona,… Read More

Katy Grimes

First World Feminists Ignore Third World Rapists

There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.

– Madeleine Albright

Progressive feminists give us an insight into the twisted logic and rooted bigotry of feminism, their hypersensitivity to women-only issues, and a general loathing of men (unless these men are serial, sexual harassing, raping Democrats). The political and pop-culturefeminists who are leading the feminist movement today… Read More

Edward Ring

In Search of a Legitimate Labor Movement

Sarah has worked for a major grocery store chain for the past 25 years. Adjusting for inflation, she makes less now than she did over a decade ago, especially since her hours were cut in order for her employer to avoid being required to offer her health insurance. Even more difficult, she is “on call” most of the week, without a reliable schedule, which makes it impossible for her to take on a 2nd part time job to help make ends meet. Including benefits, Sarah is lucky to make $30,000 per year. Now in her early fifties, she will need to work for as long as there is strength left in her body to do the job.

George works for a fire department serving an affluent suburb on the California coast. Taking into account the vacation time he earns as a 25 year veteran, he works less than two 24 hour shifts per week before qualifying for overtime. Since five day weekends are overkill, he often works one or two extra shifts a week,doubling his pay. When he goes on calls, 98% of the time they are medical emergencies, not fires. Including moderate amounts of overtime and the employer’s payments for his benefits, George makes about $250,000 per year. Now in his early fifties, he… Read More

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