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OC Power Broker Series III: The Lawyers

Today I focus on attorneys. You will see some of them have political practices, others are in criminal law. All of them are OC Power Brokers.

NOTE: Many of these attorneys have been the driving force behind electing judges and the district attorney now and in the past. I don’t want to politicize the bench unnecessarily but know that these are the players who got many of our respected jurists their jobs, both appointed and elected.

Tom Malcolm. A Jones Day partner and major Republican donor he is the Dean of the OC legal community and respected by ALL.

John Ramirez. A partner at Rutan & Tucker, he is among the top land use/initiative lawyers in CA. If you need to qualify an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

From Gilliard: Special Election Timeline

FR Friend and political consulant Dave Gilliard provides this useful information to readers of the FR Blog:

The special will not be until April with the run-off (General) in June. Here is the likely calendar:

SPECIAL ELECTION CALENDAR 1. Gov. must call a SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTION within 14 days of vacancy. The window would be Nov. 26- to Dec.10.

2 IF the SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTION is called within 180 days of a statewide election, (after Dec. 8), it can be consolidated. It is likely the Gov. will do this in order to save money.

3. THE SPECIAL PRIMARY is eight Tuesdays before the SPECIAL GENERAL, or APRIL 11.

SO, the dates would be: PRIMARY – April 11 RUN-OFF (GENERAL)Read More

Shame on the Federal Prosecutors too

I am predisposed to be suspicious of anyone with the power to prosecute. It is the Jeffersonian in me that questions authority and especially authority that can use the vast resources of all the Federal Government to bring hurt on those suspected of [fill in alleged heinous crime here].

It is with that vain that I question the actions of the Federal Prosecutors in the case against Rep. Duke Cunningham.

I agree that Rep. Cunningham made serious errors in judgment. His crimes were so blatant that they include "OVERT ACTS" like illegally accepting over a million dollars in loans to buy a property and so ridiculous that he allowed a defense contractor to pay a $1000-plus repair bill for his Rolls Royce!

But someone needs to call attention to the Federal Prosecutors–the so called U. S.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cunningham Plea Agreement

Courtesy of FR friend Dave Ellis, click below to read the actual Duke Cunningham plea agreement. Thanks Dave!… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Chaos in San Diego: Breaking

This morning, unexpectedly, Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham pled guilty to bribery, tax evasion, conspiracy and who knows what more. US Attorney Carol Lam was just on the local news stating that he took some $2 million in bribes from defense contractors in exchange for favors. Cunningham will be holding a press conference in 45 minutes downtown. I’ll be there and report back in this publication. My guess – he resigns and there is a special called within 90 days to fill the seats. All bets are off – the Congressional, Senate, and Assembly races in question are a madhouse of speculation.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Cunningham II

Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham gave a brief two or three minute statement outside the San Diego Federal Courthouse 10 minutes ago in front of the national media. He admitted his guilt on all counts, said that he would spend the rest of his days on earth atoning for his crimes, and resigned his seat effective immediately. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man so broken or ashamed.

In short, ignore everything you’ve read about this race thus far. Just toss it out. My quick reading of the rules indicates that this will be a snap election in early to mid February. This will be an "open" primary. Enter a new mix of candidates – probably a couple more moderate self-funders. Quite possibly Supervisor Pam Slater. Advantage to self-funders, particularly those who are current officeholders. Pure chaos in North County San Diego. Developing….

[Latest AP Story post-resignation presser is on theRead More

Jon Fleischman

What happened to “Live Within Our Means?”

I trust that had a great Thanksgiving Holiday! This will be a busy week at the FlashReport, so I hope that you will check back to this site each and every day! Today’s featured column was written exclusively for the FlashReport by Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. Entitled, Massive Bond Threatens State’s Future, Coupal walks us through the reasons why now is exactly the wrong time for the state to be looking at further leveraging its precarious financial position with a mega-bond (I’ve heard numbers ranging from 50-100 BILLION dollars) deal. From what I have heard so far, one idea being bounced around is to borrow this huge some of money, and use current moneys that are spent on construction and infrastructure to pay off the principle of that loan. Then we would pay the interest of that loan with general fund dollars.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Cortese could be good for San Jose

Dave Cortese, a San Jose city council member who is running for mayor, is planning on declaring a "permit holiday,” which would reduce the red tape for potential new business start-ups in his city, according to the San Jose Mercury News. Cortese, the son of the former state Assemblyman Dom Cortese (Democrat-turned-Reform Party), faces a June 2006 primary election to replace current Mayor Ron Gonzales. Cortese told the paper that he was borrowing the permit holiday idea from the City ofRead More