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Dan Schnur

Arnold’s other Democrat

The furor over Susan Kennedy shows no signs of dying down, but this morning’s San Jose Mercury News reports on what may be another Democratic staffer-incuded headache for Schwarzenegger. Terry Tamminen, the governor’s cabinet secretary and top environmental advisor, opened for Al Gore at a Stanford event yesterday, in which the former VP spoke out against global warming. No problems there, as Schwarzenegger has already signed on to a host of pro-green legislation since taking office.

But the San Jose Mercury News reported that Tamminen delivered the "most politically biting jokes" of the day. And guess who Tamminen bit?

"Tamminen began his remarks by reading from a piece of paper he said was given to him by TV producer and environmental activist Laurie David: “The top five things President Bush says he will do to address global warming.” Among the satirical suggestions made by Tamminen: switching the power on Vice President Dick Cheney’s pacemaker to nuclear power, and invading Silicon Valley to secure more solar panels.

“The No. 1 thing President Bush says he will do to address global… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Presidents speak out on Kennedy, Stirling on illegal borrowing, Campbell wins easily.

OUTRAGE OVER SUSAN KENNEDY APPOINTMENT One of the advantages of publishing a website is that you get to make sure that your positions are very clearly articulated. Today in the Los Angeles Times, Robert Salladay has a story, Governor faces revolt in GOP. This article talks about an ever-growing angst within GOP grassroots activists and donors, all stemming from the ill-advised appointment of recalled Governor Gray Davis’ Chief of Staff, Susan Kennedy, a former Executive Director of the State Democrat Party, by Governor Schwarzenegger to run his administration.

Let me be very clear – I still remain supportive of this Governor. I believe that he has a lot that he wants to accomplish, much of which is in-line with the limited government, free-market principles of the Grand Ol’ Party. That said, I don’t have words to describe my dismay and disappointment at thisRead More

Mike Spence

Huff, Margett on Kennedy

Overlooked in the riots against the Kennedy coup in the horseshoe were comments by a couple of Los Angeles County legislators regarding the appointment.

As reported in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune by Mike Sprague

"I’m very disappointed," Huff said. "There’s no question we needed to make a change in direction. His idea of course correction turned out to be a sharp left turn."

Huff said he now wonders if Schwarzenegger will be willing to sign legislation on driver licenses for undocumented immigrants.

State Sen. Bob Margett, R-Glendora, said he’s concerned Schwarzenegger may not have thought out the ramifications of the appointment.

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Campbell WINS

State Senator John Campbell has won (absentee ballots show him ahead 53% to the Democrat’s 25% to Gilchrist’s 19%) today’s Special Election for California’s 48th Congressional District.

See live election results here. See OC Registrar of Voters live webcam here.

As the OC Blog points out, Gilchrist is running behind the Democrat. I guess the Minute Man has had his 15 already.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Leaders to meet with Gov on Kennedy

In the week since Governor Schwarzenegger has appointed Susan Kennedy to be his new Chief of Staff, GOP grassroots volunteers and donors up and down the state have been reacting strongly to the news. Whether it is her former positions as Gray Davis’ Deputy Chief of Staff, Executive Director of the California Democrat Party, Senior Staffer to Senator Dianne Feinstein, or her post as Executive Director of the California Abortion Rights Action League — news of the appointment is really ginning up ire.

Apparently the members of the California Republican Party Board of Directors have been really been feeling the heat. So much so that they held an emergency telephonic meeting of the Board of Directors late last week, and coming out of that meeting have asked for an in-person meeting with Schwarzenegger to discuss Kennedy’s appointment, as well as go-forward plans between the Governor and the State GOP. One area that will certainly need to be ironed out is who will represent the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Outside the Box: Grossmont to Go Charter?

In my initial blog here several weeks ago, I asked for you to share those examples of “outside the box” ideas taking place in local government around the state. That invitation stands, by the way.

Case in point. Although it hit this morning’s Union-Tribune and was noted by a couple of local TV stations, the story was far more deserving of even broader attention: One of the state’s largest high school districts is looking at a proposal to go ALL charter, by adding 10 charter campuses to the one already in place.Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Save Us from Governor Speier

My least favorite legislatorSenator Jackie Speier, a Democrat from the Bay Area—wants to change the lieutenant governor’s office from a “do-nothing” office into an activist office which has its hands in higher education and consumer issues. In fact, she thinks the lieutenant governor should be the "guardian of higher education in California.”

Everyone who runs for the lieutenant governor job wants to make it more important than it is. Frankly, to make it a more valuable job, we should run the governor and lieutenant governor on the same ticket…but that’s another topic. Mostly, what the state doesn’t need is Jackie Speier inRead More


My very first job in politics was for Bruce Herschensohn’s 1992 campaign for U. S. Senate. He embodied everything I believed in. He was also a good and kind and gentle man who to this day can articulate the conservative-small government principled position on any issue better than anyone I have ever heard or read.

Others have already written about how much Bruce has meant to them, but I feel compelled to write my own story and make sure we all remember that it is the dirty-work of Susan Kennedy that tanked Bruce’s chances in that pivotal election.

I won’t rehash the details, Jon Fleischman explains them well.

And I won’t even suggest that the dirty-tricks that Susan Kennedy (then executive director of the California Democratic Party) pulled were any worse than some tactics we see today.

But I keep coming back to why? Why the… Read More