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Jon Fleischman

Primary Colors Author praises Arnold

Time Magazine’s Joe Klein says of the Governor, in his 2005 wrap-up column:

"[Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger] should be congratulated for his efforts to reform California and public education in a series of referendums this year, especially his proposal to delay tenure for public schoolteachers from two years to five years. This modest change aroused the ire of their unions, which spent millions on television advertising to defeat it. Most politicians lack the courage to challenge the unions, and the failure of Schwarzenegger’s referendum won’t encourage many others to try. But the reform of public education depends on a nationwide effort to curb the power of the unions on tenure, length of school day, length of school year, merit pay and a host of otherRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Nancy Pelosi Actually Said This?

Why do I see her as one of the dumbest people on the planet, and yet Bay Area leftists love her? MDM

Meanwhile, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had this to say yesterday about the Republican budget resolution:

“Mr. Speaker, as we leave for this Christmas recess, let us say, ‘God bless you’ to the American people by voting against this Republican budget and statement of injustice and immorality, and let us not let the special interest goose get fat at the expense of America’s children.

“The gentleman from Washington [state], Mr. McDermott, quoted the prophet Isaiah. And as the bible [sic] teaches us, to minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship, to ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us. Let us vote no on this budget as an act of worship and for America’s children.”

When a conservative politician cites the Bible in support of his views on, say, abortion or homosexuality, people like Pelosi get their backs up about the mingling of church and state. We guess Pelosi’s defense here is that she’s insincere, as evidenced by the referece in her press… Read More

Mike Spence

GOP Mayor for Pomona?

Pomona sits on the eastern border of Los Angeles County and is aDemocratic Town. Except the last mayor Eddie Cortez was a Republican as was his predecessor Donna Smith. Pomona has had a GOP mayor for sometime. That may change Jan. 10. Eddie passed away and a special election was called. Imagine campaigning through Christmas and New Years Day. Any beats on turnout? Eleven candidates have thrown their hats in the ring. 5 are current or former council members. And three are Republicans. Republicans might have a shot at keep this Blue state city in Red state hands, but it won’t be easy. Democrat Norma Torres is council member who planned to run for the Democrat leaning 61st Assembly District against Senator, former Assembly member and former Pomona council member Nell Soto. This opened up as she transferred some of the cash she had. … Read More

Mike Spence

Intrigue in the 38th Assembly District

I received a phone call after I posted about the 38th Assembly District race.The callerdidn’t buy my analysis. See it here.

Seethe personis in the slate mailing business and had a couple calls from consultantsasking to keepthat space open for a well funded, yet undeclared candidate in the 38th GOP primary.

I know a year ago the actor Joseph C Phillips (Cosby, theDistrict,Vegas and more)had looked at the race and decided against it.

Who is the mystery candidate?

Come out, come out where ever you are.

In the mean time, Smyth may have to start walking the district and raise more campaign cash.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Former NFL Player Turner Mulling 50th CD Race

The published story this morning is that Escondido Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler is out, and Rancho Santa Fe businessman (read: has money) Ken King is in the race to succeed Duke Cunningham.

The unpublished story, found only here on my blogbarry, is that recently retired NFL cornerback and aide to Congressman Duncan Hunter is just days away from jumping into the mix.

The nine-year veteran of the Redskins, Chargers and Broncos has apparently been thinking about his next career for some time. The following was posted last year on

August 13, 2004 – Broncos cornerback has his eye on politics in his next career: Scott Turner might someday trade in his helmet and pads for a suit and tie, and start passing laws instead of knocking down passes. Turner, 32, an eight-year veteran, worked as an intern in the San Diego office of U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.Read More

Duane Dichiara

Rise of San Diego Lincoln Club

Well, since old Cunningham decided to write about the OC Lincoln Club, I thought I’d finish the short report I was writing on the San Diego Lincoln Club.

Last Thursday night I attended the 22nd Annual Dinner of the Lincoln Club of San Diego County. It easy fell into the top few local political fundraising events I’ve attended over the last ten years or so, and demonstrated the meteoric re-birth of the organization. The dinner featured a moving tribute to one of San Diego’s truly great men, Corky McMillin, a Cardinal of the Republican Party who passed away this year, and a keynote address by new Mayor Jerry Sanders.

It’s no national secret that I really dislike speeches – particularly the run of the mill boring non-partisan ones, but also the long ones over say 10 minutes. Jerry Sanders was neither boring nor long. In fact, and this is a rare treat, I and the other folks at the Francis table were moved and excited. In about ten minutes, Sanders outlined a program of real reform at City Hall with the calm authority of a man that says what he means, and means what he says. He was very clear… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s get’s new Communications Director, Duf loses one. McClintock on Bonds. More.

TOM MCLINTOCK ON BONDS Today’s lead commentary is from State Senator Tom McClintock, who at this point, is the presumptive Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor. McClintock is well respected for his acumen on state fiscal matters. In this ‘must read’ column, Tom looks at the prospects of a bond-measure roll-out, and gives his criteria for a responsible borrowing measure, as well as some important historic perspective. State government has been porking out since the days of Governor Pat Brown… WHO IS ADAM MENDELSOHN? The news broke yesterday in the Capitol Weekly (with a formal announcement today) that GOP communications pro Adam Mendelsohn will be taking the reigns of Communications Director for Governor Schwarzenegger – the current CD, Rob Stutzman, will be departing for the campaign trail as part of the Governor’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Republicans Oppose Susan Kennedy – Why is this such a shock? – CRP Board Members Clarify Meeting

Arnold Schwarzenegger made a very poor decision when he hired Susan Kennedy to be his Chief of Staff. He did so knowing full well that her leadership role in the administration of recalled Governor Gray Davis (Kennedy is pictured, to the right, with Governor Schwarzenegger in the background), as well as her extremely partisan credentials (former Executive Director of the State Democrat Party and the California Abortion Rights Action League, as well as time spent as a senior aide to Democrat U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein) would not sit well with grassroots Republican activists and donors throughout the state. I am not saying that a less-partisan Democrat would have been more readily accepted, but with this pick, the Governor reached for someone with the most patisan resume of Democrat activism possible. Perhaps the Governor felt that everyone would simply understand that he still runs state government, and not to be concerned. This… Read More