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Jon Fleischman

George W. Bush wins National Title

There is an important meeting of the minds taking place by gate #2 in the terminal at John Wayne Airport. Translation: Jon has found Ken Khachigian also waiting for the next flight to Sacramento. As you would expect, the conversation quickly turned to the Rose Bowl narrow defeat of the USC Trojans. Ken, showing that his ability to ‘spin’ victory in any circumstance, had this to say:

"The game’s metaphor is a red state victory over a blue state; George Bush over Barbara Boxer over Nancy Pelosi," said Ken. "Making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear."

(As a Bruin supporter myself, I’m just fine with the sow’s ear.)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock’s McPickle

What conservative in California has a higher profile than State Senator Tom McClintock? He has been arguably the most articulate, principled conservative in the legislature. Twice he carried the statewide conservative banner as the GOP nominee for State Controller (the last go-around losing to Steve Westly by less than one vote per precinct). Of course, he ran as the conservative candidate in the 2003 recall election, and won praise from not only conservatives but from across the political spectrum for the statesmanlike approach he took to campaigning in that race. Unless Governor Schwarzenegger leaves the GOP, he has a virtual lock on the Republican nomination for Governor in his re-election. McClintock is facing a clear field in his bid to be Arnold’s running mate. (Hmmm… “Schwarzenegger / McClintock” – that makes for a long bumper sticker…) It is clear from all of the news stories offering a prelude to the Governor’s State of the State speech tonight that Schwarzenegger is tacking hard to the political center, and some of his proposals (massive spending, wage hike mandates, etc.) are anathema to a rock-solid intellectual libertarian like… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Live from the State of the State

Well, almost at the State of the State. From a big tent outside on the capitol lawn. But you need a cool pin and have to be on a list to get in here. So, I feel important.

The Governor started his remarks by apologizing to Californians for the special election. Almost as if to say that what he was trying to achieve it wrong. I maintain that he absolutely did the right thing with the special election. It was the overwhelming dollars spent by the unions that caused the measures to fair.

Well, it isn’t too practical to blog throughout this speech (I will post mid-speech again if there is anything worth blogging). When it is over, I will post a longer message.

Jon… Read More

Mike Spence

Rosemead, Wal-Mart Recall back off

First the pro-Wal-Mart council majority call off a recall election using a recent liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on the Voting Rights Act. (BTW: Thisruling creates lots of possible problems forcitizen democracy in the future.) See it here.Then one of the majority’s members changes sides and votes to have the recall election. See it here.Now one of those being recalled went to federal court and successfully got an order stopping the recall process— for now. See the local story here.

If Wal-Mart can only get the bulldozers started.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

First Blush Analysis on State of the State Address

The State of the State Address is just about over, and so now is a chance to share some initial thoughts. There are other places to get the gist of the policy proposals in the Governor’s speech, although for your perusal I am attaching a summary (though it was prepared byproponents of the proposals, so take that into account when reading it). The way the system works is that the print and televised media have a briefing from the Governor’s staff hours before the actual speech. There is a practice called "embargoing" where the media folks understand that theyRead More

Mike Spence

Where did Arnold go?

Rather than recount the sell out of small government Republicans by the Gov. in his State of the State speech. I want to ask some questions about a different speech I heard Aug. 31, 2004. In it he describes what it is to be a Republican and what traits he like in Pres. Bush. You can read the whole thing here.

First he starts out describing the Soviet threat and about his coming to America. then he leads into why is a Republican. Some are about foreign policy, but here is a really good one

"If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does, then you are a Republican!" Please, someone tell me how the Arnold $222 billion dolllar plan fits that statement.

And what about this from the RNC Speech "Now they say India and China are overtaking us. Don’t you believe it! We may hit a few bumps — but America always moves ahead! That’s what Americans do!" What has changed Governor, now we are to emulate Red China’s optimism.

Then on Pres. Bush.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FlashReport meets with Gov’s Senior Staff just before State of the State Address

Arnold Schwarzenegger is showman. He likes to thing big. REALLY BIG. (Think T1, T2, and T3). Running in a controversial recall election — big. In California – big. A complete overhaul of California – big. "Blowing up boxes" – big. A special election to take on the special interests – big. Now, "Mr. Hollywood" has come up with his BIGGEST idea yet…Massive spending (including bonds) to finance BIG state infrastructure needs. His proposal is SO BIG that we really should make the word big into like 50 point font. We’ll get to the big "strategic growth plan" in a moment. The point of talking about Schwarzenegger’s fascination with big things is that it might go a long way towards explaining why he is introducing such a BIG proposal… Jon and Barry met withRead More

Mike Spence

Pringle, McCarthy, Can there be a majority again?

Today marks the 10th Anniversary of the election of Republican Curt Pringle as Speaker of the California State Assembly. I should note that Curt appointed meto the Library of California Board, so if any of you have questions about the details of transaction based reimbursements on inter-library loans, please ask.

To every GOP leader back then, Curt and Jim Brulte– Thank you.

For those of us involved back then, it was a long fought road that involved recalling turncoat Republicans after the stunning election of 41 Republicans in the 1994 elections. Pointing out that electing someone with an R by his or her name isn’t good enough. There needs to be some party loyalty as three Republicans in succession sold out so they could be speaker for a day or worse leaving Democrat Willie Brown in charge. Can a GOP majority happen again? Don’t bet the farm on it in 2006. … Read More