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Jason Cabel Roe

The Leader Lineup

John Boehner, Ohio. Currently the chairman of the House Education & the Workforce Committee and formerly the House Republican Conference Chairman (defeated by J.C. Watts). Boehner has been in the leadership before and has a conservative voting record. He comes in with the support of a united Ohio delegation and probably the support of more senior Republicans and committee chairman. Although he has a conservative voting record, he will be able to pick up significant moderate support thanks to his easy going, non-confrontational style.

Roy Blunt, Missouri. The Majority Whip and acting-Majority Leader was picked out of no where in his second term to be Chief Deputy Whip to then-Whip Tom DeLay. When DeLay was elected Majority Leader, Blunt easily moved into the Whip job. Sometimes referred to as the “Velvet Hammer” due to his smoother style. Blunt doesn’t have a big state delegation but as Whip has 30-40 members… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Big GOP Donor Mark Johnson on Susan Kennedy: “The enemy in our midst.”

A recent post by businessman and major Republican donor Mark Chapin Johnson over at the California Campaigns blog underscores my concern that I laid out in my post below responding to Dan Schnur, about the impact of the Governor’s shift-to-the center. Mark Johson was one of the original three co-founders of the New Majority, the state’s (and perhaps the nation’s) preeminent Republican political action committee that self-describes itself as moderate. They boast that their organization and members donated millions to Schwarzenegger his ballot causes. Johnson is no longer a part of the New Majority, but his political philanthropy has continued with much generosity. Over the past few years, Mark and I have struck up a friendship as we have found an important quality for each of us – the other is willing to listen to us rant when we’re wound up, and we also share some common friends. That said, Mark is one of the only people I know who actually IS fiscally… Read More

Nothing Noble About Wearing a Wire

Time Magazine is reporting that ex-Congressman Duke Cunningham wore a wire in cooperation with the FBI before he publicly admitted to being on the take and resigning in disgrace.

As you may remember, I am not a fan of federal prosecutors (see my previous post here) but I have even more distain for rats. Those among us who would for their own personal gain abuse friendship and a history of trust to entrap someone else are some of the lowest of the low.

It’s a sad day when any office holder is found or admits to being guilty of crimes against the very people they represent. But even worse to me is the crime of being a rat which is punishable with a total and completeRead More

Dan Schnur

Lou Sheldon, Jack Abramoff, and Us

I share Jon Fleischman’s disappointment over the Traditional Values Coalition and its role in the Abramoff sleazefest. But I’m a lot more worried than he is, not because the TVC’s activities have been outside the norm of acceptable political behavior, but because in modern-day Washington, they are the norm. In the national news media, Reverend Lou Sheldon’s role in this ethical circus has received a relatively small amount of attention, because similar behavior has been attributed to conservative activist Ralph Reed, who is alleged to have taken money from Abramoff’s Indian gaming clients to oppose other gambling expansion. Not to slight Reverend Sheldon’s political import, but Reed, who was a major player in the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign and is currently a candidate for Lt. Governor of Georgia, is a major, major player in national Republican politics. He’s also one of the savviest operators in the political arena today, which makes me wonder exactly how broad and… Read More

Defending Rev. Lou Sheldon

I too have a history with Rev. Sheldon. I have known the Reverend for more than a decade. I do not agree with him all the time and I certainly do not agree with some of his tactics. But it is very important to be clear, no one is accusing Rev. Sheldon of any improprieties and if they did, they would find none.

Today it is more politically correct to bash Abramoff and anyone he stood on line with at the grocery store let along gave a contribution to, than to give a college scholarship to a one-legged, lesbian illegal alien. So I understand my colleagues desire to pile on. But I caution that but for our tendency to focus our businesses in California rather than DC or the fact that some of us (not I) choose do politics for Sen. McCain rather than Rep. Delay, we could have some of the Abramoff stink on us too.

My point is, attack the good Reverend all you want. But don’t confuse something you don’t like with something that is off the charts illegal. [Publisher’s note: Adam brings up a goodRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Nothing Has Really Changed, Has It?

I wanted to wait for a few days to react to the Governor’s speech. This will be brief. I haven’t changed my mind from previous posts, which you can read if you like. The special election was the Governor’s re-election and he lost. Republican strategists have no answer for nurses, teachers, firefighters, prison guards and cops. Republicans cannot buy votes by outspending Democrats, so the State of the State speech was of little consequence to Arnold’s re-election bid. Bill Whalen succinctly outlined what the Governor didn’t say in his speech.

Let me add a couple of items to this list. While the Governor correctly outlined the massive infrastructure deficit faced the by the State, what he didn’t say is that the Legislature has made choices over the years to spend windfall tax revenues on programs, not infrastructure, and that this is the only reason bonds are necessary to finance these projects. He also didn’t point out the obvious – there is waste, fraud and abuse in State Government, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Response to Dan Schnur’s Questions

Dan, I have had a couple of days to ponder your open question to the FlashReport contributors, and so I thought that I would take a shot at answering a few of your questions. First, a brief historical note. As you know, on the GOP philosophical scale, I am pretty much bumping up on the right end. A red meat conservative with a healthy amount of libertarian ‘marbling’ throughout. My credentials include three years as State Chairman of California Young Americans for Freedom (the conservative youth organization founded by William F. Buckley, Jr, in 1960), two years as State President of the California Republican Assembly, and while my service as Executive Director of the State GOP years later isn’t a reference to my degreeRead More

Jon Fleischman

Lou Sheldon exposed: “Rent-A-Reverend”

I wish I could tell you when I read, with interest, the column by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Debra Saunders in which she reveals the connection between admitted-criminal Jack Abramoff and Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition, that I was surprised. Hardly. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t surprised at all, which is too bad. If you aren’t familiar with the Traditional Values Coalition, it is an organization that has done a lot of good work over the years advocating for socially conservative causes. But they have been plagued over the years by sometimes public and often privateRead More